MacOSX-TeX Digest #243 - 02/21/02
TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List
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Thu Feb 21 20:00:01 EST 2002
MacOSX-TeX Digest #243 - Thursday, February 21, 2002
custom format files?
by "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
tetex, TeXshop, and itexmac
by <get86 at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] tetex, TeXshop, and itexmac
by "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
BibDesk beta testers wanted
by "Michael McCracken" <michael_mccracken at>
by <get86 at>
BibDesk beta testers wanted
by "Michael McCracken" <michael_mccracken at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] tetex, TeXshop, and itexmac
by "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac
by "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
Alpha-ish on MacOS X
by "Vince Darley" <vince.darley at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] cocoAspell + file dictionary
by "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] custom format files?
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
what all the editors for X should have
by "Oliver Hardt" <hardt at>
RE: [Mac OS X TeX] what all the editors for X should have
by "Maarten Sneep" <sneep at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] what all the editors for X should have
by "Jan Erik Moström" <lists at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] custom format files?
by "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
aliases v symlinks
by "Larry Paulson" <Larry.Paulson at>
Re: emacs 21.1
by "Thierry Ramond" <thierry.ramond at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] aliases v symlinks
by "William Adams" <wadams at>
Re: Installing LucidaBright family under Mac OS X?!
by "Arthur Ogawa" <ogawa at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Re: Installing LucidaBright family under Mac OS X?!
by "William Adams" <wadams at>
Editors - some questions
by "Jan Erik Moström" <lists at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
by "Mark Guzdial" <guzdial at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
by "Peter Erwin" <erwin at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] custom format files?
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] aliases v symlinks
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] BibDesk beta testers wanted
by "Fredrik Wallenberg" <fwallenberg at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Editors - some questions
by "Peter Erwin" <erwin at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
by "Rick Zaccone" <zaccone at>
Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Editors - some questions
by "Fredrik Wallenberg" <fwallenberg at>
Subject: custom format files?
From: "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 02:48:08 +0100
I upgraded to a recent version of teTeX (20020129) and I have a
problem with custom formats (which I didn't have with my old
installation (20010417)). The problem seems to be related to
a change in how format files are found...
I would be very happy if somebody could help me, and I imagine
the advice would benefit other users as well...
My init file (called hitex.ini) is simply this:
\usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym}
\input{diagrams} \usepackage{curves}
\usepackage{meu} \input{eng-sec}
(all packages of which work well in the new teTeX, when
loaded in a standard latex file).
So I do
[prompt]: initex
**&latex hitex.ini\dump
[prompt]: mv hitex.fmt ~/Library/texmf/web2c/hitex.fmt
[prompt]: ln -s /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/latex
Then open a new terminal window, (and I also tried texhash).
[prompt]: hitex foo
calls latex, but loading standard latex.fmt instead of loading
hitex.fmt. (It is not the case that for some reason hitex.fmt is
identical to latex.fmt: I have tried to put an empty file in place of
hitex.fmt, and nobody complains about that, so I conclude that the
file is never read...). Somehow it seems that the mechanism which
determines the format from the name of the command does not work.
Let me say again that all this worked fine with my old teTeX
installation. (For this reason, I am not embarrassed to ask for help.)
On the other hand, I also had a problem with the old installation:
Compiling a pdftex format called hiptex (from the same source as
above), doing
[prompt]: pdfinitex
**&pdflatex hitex.ini\dump
[prompt]: mv hitex.fmt ~/Library/texmf/web2c/hiptex.fmt
[prompt]: ln -s /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/pdflatex
when trying to run it I got this error:
[prompt]: hiptex foo
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14h-released-20010417 (Web2C
Error: hiptex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config file
Now doing exactly the same in the new teTeX installation doesn't give this
error --- for the same reason as for latex: the hiptex.fmt file is never
read, so instead of the pdftex.cfg error, I now get the error caused by
missing documentclass and all that, due to missing my preamble...
Although the pdftex.cfg problem has disappeared for the moment, I
would also be glad if somebody could help me with that. Because
either the fmt problem will be solved and then I expect the cfg problem
to reappear, or it is not solved and then I will revert to my old
installation where the cfg problem is...
Thanks in advance for any help,
Joachim KOCK
Laboratoire de Mathématiques J.A.Dieudonné Tél. +33
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis Fax +33
Parc Valrose - 06108 Nice cédex 2 - FRANCE Mél. kock at
Subject: tetex, TeXshop, and itexmac
From: <get86 at>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 23:09:20 -0500
does itexmac operate in conjunction to TeXShop?
i mean, these are 2 frontends to tetex, right? and do they "get along"?
p.s. sorry, i just a support guy :) trying to stay on top of things -i
install, unfortunately i don't really "use" the apps.
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] tetex, TeXshop, and itexmac
From: "Michael Murray" <mmurray at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 15:15:54 +1030
>does itexmac operate in conjunction to TeXShop?
>i mean, these are 2 frontends to tetex, right? and do they "get along"?
>p.s. sorry, i just a support guy :) trying to stay on top of things -i
>install, unfortunately i don't really "use" the apps.
No need to apologise :-)
They are both
front ends for the UNIX tex applications that tetex installs.
I haven't used iTeXMac much but
my understanding is that they should get along together
if by that you mean be resident on the same machine and be used
They might not be happy if you had them both running at the same
time on the same file -- like you tried to edit using iTeXmac
and preview using TeXShop. I am not sure about that.
Assoc/Prof Michael Murray
Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303
University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174
Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at
Home Page:
PGP public key:
Subject: BibDesk beta testers wanted
From: "Michael McCracken" <michael_mccracken at>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 21:21:10 -0800
If you are interested in trying out BibDesk, the Bib-Manager I mentioned
a couple of weeks ago, I've posted it to
If you do try it out, please send me an email. And of course, feel free
to offer suggestions and report bugs - it's all in the readme.
The everpresent disclaimer: this is beta software, and I mean it - so
don't use it on crucial data unless you've got backups! Don't experiment
right before a paper deadline! There are some cases where you might lose
data that I mention in the readme, but the program warns you about it.
One last note: I know that it doesn't do everything - I intended it as a
complement to other tools, at least initially.
Michael McCracken
michael_mccracken at
Subject: iTeXMac
From: <get86 at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 02:27:50 -0500
where heck is iTeXMac, please?
i guess while i'm here i may as well ask (though i think it's been covered):
what has iTeXMac got that TeXShop doesn't?
Subject: BibDesk beta testers wanted
From: "Michael McCracken" <michael_mccracken at>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 23:48:34 -0800
If you are interested in trying out BibDesk, the Bib-Manager I mentioned
a couple of weeks ago, I've posted it to
If you do try it out, please send me an email. And of course, feel free
to offer suggestions and report bugs - it's all in the readme.
The everpresent disclaimer: this is beta software, and I mean it - so
don't use it on crucial data unless you've got backups! Don't experiment
right before a paper deadline! There are some cases where you might lose
data that I mention in the readme, but the program warns you about it.
One last note: I know that it doesn't do everything - I intended it as a
complement to other tools, at least initially.
Michael McCracken
michael_mccracken at
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] tetex, TeXshop, and itexmac
From: "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:08:25 +0100
Le jeudi 21 février 2002, à 05:45 AM, Michael Murray a écrit :
>> does itexmac operate in conjunction to TeXShop?
>> i mean, these are 2 frontends to tetex, right? and do they "get along"?
TeXShop and iTeXMac are competely independant. They rely on an
underlying tetex distribution that need not be the same.
>> [...]
> They are both
> front ends for the UNIX tex applications that tetex installs.
not only. They are both also editors and they are both pdf viewers.
editing text: No particular problem should occur as long as you do not
edit the same text file at the same time with both, but this is true for
(quite?) any text editor.
typesetting: problems when typesetting the same file at the same time,
except when the output is different.
viewing pdf: the only problem should occur when you typeset a file using
iTeXMac and view using TeXShop. Synchronization might be out but
close/open the window should help.
Generally speaking: TeXShop is initially designed to make everything on
its own. iTeXMac is initially designed either to make everything on its
own or to use external text editing and external pdf viewing.
At first glance, none of them puts hidden things that could alter system
and other appl behavior.
It seems that R. Koch somehow merges under TeXShop the tetex frontend,
the text editor, the pdf viewer AND the tetex distribution. This is why
people recently asked about texshop while it really concerned tetex.
This confusion will certainly persist (in particular for newbies of the
rest of the world) as long as G. Wierda has no dedicated web site of its
own. But this is not so important as long as [Mac OS X TeX] exists to
answer all (!) the questions.
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] iTeXMac
From: "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:24:46 +0100
Le mercredi 20 février 2002, à 03:23 PM, Jerome Dubois a écrit :
> Hi,
> I love very much iTeXMac, but how can I change the size of the
> characters in the tex editor ?
menu format, change font
unfortunately, the change will appear only the next time iTeXMac
launches. I know this is not cool, but I thought people were not
changing fonts and colors so often. Preference pane needed...
Do not forget to use iTeXMac apple help (and comment), it is indexed so
you can just ask
'how do i change the size of the text editor font?'
gives the answer...
Subject: Alpha-ish on MacOS X
From: "Vince Darley" <vince.darley at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 09:32:18 +0000
>Subject: Re: Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
>From: "Eric Hsu" <erichsu at>
>Things I miss from Alpha:
>1. The ability to tab out of parentheses to the big-dots.
>2. More pre-built LaTeX templates... I forget options and names.
>3. (When it worked,) the nice reformatting and tabbing of code.
>Let me know if you find something even better! (I'm not learning
>Emacs... sorry.)
You could try 'Alphatk' (, which
is a reimplementation of Alpha on top of Tcl/Tk. I'm told it kind-of works
with the latest 'aqua-tk' release (it works fine on top of X-windows on
Unix which you could run on top of OS X, or on a Windoze box).
It shares all of the LaTeX mode functionality with Alpha.
caveat: I wrote it and use it daily, but mostly on Windoze.
Alternatively as Jon points out, wait for Alpha X, which will come...
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] cocoAspell + file dictionary
From: "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 11:32:44 +0100
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain;
Le lundi 11 f=E9vrier 2002, =E0 04:12 AM, William McCallum a =E9crit :
> I just discovered that, on my installation, even though cocoAspell=20
> incorrectly flags TeX commands as misspelled by underlining them =
> I have the "Check spelling as you type" option checked), it does not=20=
> find them when I run it as a spell checker using the "Spelling ..." or=20=
> "Check Spelling" options. So maybe that's the difference between those=20=
> of us who are saying it works and those who are saying it doesn't.
Normal behaviour due to internal Mac OS X word recognition.
However I just recall that
"Version 1.15 of TeXShop can check spelling as you type. This change was=20=
prompted by the release of a "cocoa spell checker" by Anton Leuski..."
which is obviously uninteresting if there is no difference with the=20
previous use of any kind of dictionary (which is the case from a TeX=20
point of view)
On the contrary iTeXMac really checks spelling as you type, such that=20
previous wrong behaviour never (?) occurs. Moreover it does not rely on=20=
a TeXish dictionary... No more comment.
However, here is the real important question:
For words learned by the dictionary, it is in fact the reponsibility of=20=
the text editor to store and load them. I think we should agree on a=20
general file extension (not .dict) and a file format. Something might=20
already exist.
What are your suggestions?
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/enriched;
Le lundi 11 f=E9vrier 2002, =E0 04:12 AM, William McCallum a =E9crit :
<excerpt>I just discovered that, on my installation, even though
cocoAspell incorrectly flags TeX commands as misspelled by underlining
them (since I have the "Check spelling as you type" option checked),
it does not find them when I run it as a spell checker using the
"Spelling ..." or "Check Spelling" options. So maybe that's the
difference between those of us who are saying it works and those who
are saying it doesn't.
Normal behaviour due to internal Mac OS X word recognition.
However I just recall that
<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param><bigger><bigger>"Version
1.15 of TeXShop can check spelling as you type. This change was
prompted by the release of a "cocoa spell checker" by Anton Leuski..." =
which is obviously uninteresting if there is no difference with the
previous use of any kind of dictionary (which is the case from a TeX
point of view)
On the contrary iTeXMac really checks spelling as you type, such that
previous wrong behaviour never (?) occurs. Moreover it does not rely
on a TeXish dictionary... No more comment.
However, here is the real important question:
For words learned by the dictionary, it is in fact the reponsibility
of the text editor to store and load them. I think we should agree on
a general file extension (not .dict) and a file format. Something
might already exist.
What are your suggestions?=
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] custom format files?
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:11:45 +0100
I'll help:
First, try using the kpsewhich command to find out if a file can be
kpsewhich hitex.fmt
Secondly, this might have to do with the change from teTeX to TeX Live.
TeX Live does not use symbolic links but shell scripts for alternate
formats because it also has to be able to run from a CD with a file
system without symbolic links. I.e. the latex command now is:
test -f "`kpsewhich latex.fmt`" || fmtutil --byfmt latex
exec tex -fmt=latex ${1+"$@"}
So, you can link to latex, but the use of latex.fmt is hard coded in the
script. Workaround: instead of linking, copy the latex script and edit
it. That is the TeX Live way.
PS. I can immediately think of a cleaner solution and I'll investigate
this and I'll try to get it into TeX Live.
On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 02:48 , Joachim Kock wrote:
> Hello,
> I upgraded to a recent version of teTeX (20020129) and I have a
> problem with custom formats (which I didn't have with my old
> installation (20010417)). The problem seems to be related to
> a change in how format files are found...
> I would be very happy if somebody could help me, and I imagine
> the advice would benefit other users as well...
> My init file (called hitex.ini) is simply this:
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{latexsym}
> \input{diagrams} \usepackage{curves}
> \usepackage[notref,notcite]{showkeys}
> \usepackage{maplems}\pagestyle{plain}
> \usepackage{meu} \input{eng-sec}
> (all packages of which work well in the new teTeX, when
> loaded in a standard latex file).
> So I do
> [prompt]: initex
> **&latex hitex.ini\dump
> [prompt]: mv hitex.fmt ~/Library/texmf/web2c/hitex.fmt
> [prompt]: ln -s /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/latex
> ~/bin/hitex
> Then open a new terminal window, (and I also tried texhash).
> Now
> [prompt]: hitex foo
> calls latex, but loading standard latex.fmt instead of loading
> hitex.fmt. (It is not the case that for some reason hitex.fmt is
> identical to latex.fmt: I have tried to put an empty file in place of
> hitex.fmt, and nobody complains about that, so I conclude that the
> file is never read...). Somehow it seems that the mechanism which
> determines the format from the name of the command does not work.
> Let me say again that all this worked fine with my old teTeX
> installation. (For this reason, I am not embarrassed to ask for help.)
> On the other hand, I also had a problem with the old installation:
> Compiling a pdftex format called hiptex (from the same source as
> above), doing
> [prompt]: pdfinitex
> **&pdflatex hitex.ini\dump
> [prompt]: mv hitex.fmt ~/Library/texmf/web2c/hiptex.fmt
> [prompt]: ln -s /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-
> current/pdflatex
> ~/bin/hiptex
> when trying to run it I got this error:
> [prompt]: hiptex foo
> This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-14h-released-20010417 (Web2C
> (./foo.tex
> Error: hiptex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config file
> Now doing exactly the same in the new teTeX installation doesn't give
> this
> error --- for the same reason as for latex: the hiptex.fmt file is never
> read, so instead of the pdftex.cfg error, I now get the error caused by
> missing documentclass and all that, due to missing my preamble...
> Although the pdftex.cfg problem has disappeared for the moment, I
> would also be glad if somebody could help me with that. Because
> either the fmt problem will be solved and then I expect the cfg problem
> to reappear, or it is not solved and then I will revert to my old
> installation where the cfg problem is...
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Joachim.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joachim KOCK
> Laboratoire de Mathématiques J.A.Dieudonné Tél. +33
> Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis Fax +33
> Parc Valrose - 06108 Nice cédex 2 - FRANCE Mél. kock at
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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> This list is not moderated, and I am not responsible for
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> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: what all the editors for X should have
From: "Oliver Hardt" <hardt at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 08:03:34 -0700
unless i just haven't found the switch for it, neither BBedit,
iTexMac, Pepper, nor TeXShop can do the following, which is a feature
i deeply miss from Alpha for Classic:
if you have, for example, a \begin{enumerate} and then your \items,
it increases structure and readability for the source immensely
(IMO), when the \item and associated text are idented:
that means: instead of
\item bla bla bla blabal lkh akjh akljh akjh aklha l k halahl ka
hlaha khahaa hahal haa halha ad as ad asd asd asd asd asd asd ad ad
asd asd asd asd asd asda sasd
it should be
\item bla bla bla blabal lkh akjh akljh akjh ak
l k halahl ka hlaha khahaa hahal haa halha ad as
asd asd asd asd asd asda sasd
this comes in handy when you have nested \items.
also, i would like it if this principle is omnipresent, so that the
indent in the line following a \begin{environment} is not only
present in the first line.
if that already works in one or all of these editors, i would really
be happy if someone could point it out to me and how to activate the
feat. thanks! olli.
Subject: RE: [Mac OS X TeX] what all the editors for X should have
From: "Maarten Sneep" <sneep at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 16:11:43 +0100 (CET)
On 21-Feb-02 Oliver Hardt wrote:
# \item bla bla bla blabal lkh akjh akljh akjh aklha l k halahl ka
# hlaha khahaa hahal haa halha ad as ad asd asd asd asd asd asd ad ad
# asd asd asd asd asd asda sasd
# it should be
# \item bla bla bla blabal lkh akjh akljh akjh ak
# l k halahl ka hlaha khahaa hahal haa halha ad as
# asd asd asd asd asd asda sasd
# also, i would like it if this principle is omnipresent, so that the
# indent in the line following a \begin{environment} is not only
# present in the first line.
# if that already works in one or all of these editors, i would really
# be happy if someone could point it out to me and how to activate the
# feat. thanks! olli.
ProjectBuilder has this feature, and I think it can be added with relatively
little trouble (even by an end-user [note: I haven't done this]) to all cocoa
programs. The difference between what you describe and what they do is
\item adsklfjkahds
(note the extra 4 spaces)
Have a look at Mike Ferris' TextExtras
Maarten Sneep
And now ... you are going to dance ... like you've never danced before!
Maarten Sneep
Atomic- and Laser Physics group
vrije Universiteit, amsterdam
The Netherlands
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] what all the editors for X should have
From: "Jan Erik Moström" <lists at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:14:47 +0100
At 2002-02-21 08:03, Oliver Hardt <hardt at> wrote:
>if that already works in one or all of these editors, i would really
>be happy if someone could point it out to me and how to activate the
>feat. thanks! olli.
Use the rewrap command in BBEdit
Jan Erik Moström jem at
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] custom format files?
From: "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:20:56 +0100
>I.e. the latex command now is:
>test -f "`kpsewhich latex.fmt`" || fmtutil --byfmt latex
>exec tex -fmt=latex ${1+"$@"}
>So, you can link to latex, but the use of latex.fmt is hard coded in
>the script. Workaround: instead of linking, copy the latex script
>and edit it. That is the TeX Live way.
Thanks a lot! it solved the problem. I'm very happy I got my
custom format back.
My hitex command is now defined as
test -f "`kpsewhich hitex.fmt`" || fmtutil --byfmt hitex
exec tex -fmt=hitex ${1+"$@"}
Now concerning the pdf version (hiptex): I tried to do
test -f "`kpsewhich hiptex.fmt`" || fmtutil --byfmt hiptex
exec pdftex -fmt=hiptex -progname=hiptex ${1+"$@"}
but as predicted this takes me back to the other problem:
[prompt]: hiptex foo
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020204 (Web2C 7.3.7)
Error: pdftex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config file
(And concerning this config file, it is there allright because usual
pdflatex reads it:
[prompt]: pdflatex foo
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020204 (Web2C 7.3.7)
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german,
But kpsewhich can't find any pdftex.cfg
(I don't know if it is supposed to find any...)
Thanks a lot, once again,
Subject: aliases v symlinks
From: "Larry Paulson" <Larry.Paulson at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 16:26:02 +0000
In TexShop (or rather the underlying tetex) I find that MacOS aliases are not
recognized, as in \includegraphics{blah} where blah.pdf is an alias. One has
to go to the command line and use the Unix "ln" command. Any chance of fixing
Larry Paulson
Subject: Re: emacs 21.1
From: "Thierry Ramond" <thierry.ramond at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 18:00:00 +0100
The "Aqua" version of Emacs 21.1 can be found at
Many thanks to Piet van Oostrum for his help. I have edited his file
and even if I don't understand the langage I have written, it works very
well now.
I have two more questions ( sorry if they are more or less off-topic
- Where is this kind of Unix stuff documented by Apple?
- How to install auctex for this Aqua version of Emacs?
Let me add a third one: When the hell, will AlphaX be ready? < :-))
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] aliases v symlinks
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:15:36 -0500
Larry Paulson said:
>In TexShop (or rather the underlying tetex) I find that MacOS aliases
are not
>recognized, as in \includegraphics{blah} where blah.pdf is an alias.
One has
>to go to the command line and use the Unix "ln" command. Any chance of
Given how broken Mac OS aliases are implementation-wise, I doubt it, and
I'd find it hard to care.
When one wishes to make use of a Mac alias in a program, rather than the
system providing the desired file under the name of the alias, instead
the program must ask what the actual name / location of the file is,
receives that, and then acts upon it. Naturally the difficulties this
causes are legion, and aliases aren't much use for anything other than
customizing the launchbar and populating the various Recent
blanket-blank-blank folders.
Far better that Apple should restore the sensible NeXT file management
key modifiers (controL to make a Link, coMmand to Move, option drag to
get a copy). (As opposed to the Mac's <command><option> drag to make an
William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Subject: Re: Installing LucidaBright family under Mac OS X?!
From: "Arthur Ogawa" <ogawa at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 09:28:51 -0800
"David M. Wood" wrote:
> I bought [Lucida Bright] several years ago for use under NeXTstep, successfully
> modified
> them for use on Linux, but have no idea what Mac OS X expects to be
> installed?
I am copying this email to the MacOSX-TeX mailing list, where your query
will find better support than I alone am able to give.
I know for sure that Mac OS X will acccept Type 1 fonts installed in the
Classic system folder, which is how most of my Mac OS X fonts are now
(because they are carry-overs from Mac OS Classic). However, things that
worked for NextStep often continue to work for Mac OS X (you are, of
course, already familiar with NextStep fonts).
Under Mac OS Classic, a font should be installed into the System
Folder:Fonts folder in the form of a font suitcase (file type FFIL
containing FOND and NFNT resourses) plus the PostScript version of the
font in a file of type LWFN (effectively the contents of the .pfa file
in POST resources).
You have the fonts in PFA and AFM files. You are looking for
1. A utility to convert PFA to LWFN. CMacTeX, version 3.6 or later, has
a pfa2lwfn in its t1utils tool.
2. A utility to calculate FOND and NFNT resources from the PFA. This is
the part you are missing.
For the latter, I use the commercial product Fontographer for Power Mac.
Note that Fontographer generates AFM, LWFN, and FFIL files; you will
select out only the latter.
Note also that the file name of the LWFN must be coordinated with the
PostScript font name of the particular font. The name of the LWFN file
created by Fontographer should be applied to the LWFN file generated by
pfa2lwfn if the two names are not identical.
Finally, note that when Fontographer opens a font for editing, it
recalculates the hints, so please do not use a LWFN generated by
Fontographer itself: you will lose all the beautiful hints calculated by
Blenda Horn.
Under Mac OS X, there probably is a file format for Type 1 fonts that is
more modern than the FFIL/LWFN format of Mac OS Classic. Unfortunately,
I really know little about this; I wish I did. I don't even know if the
NextStep native format continues to work under Mac OS X.
Also, there is a new standard for fonts, called OpenType, but here again
my information is not good.
Arthur Ogawa/TeX Consultants
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Re: Installing LucidaBright family under Mac OS X?!
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:33:59 -0500
David M. Wood asked:
>> I bought [Lucida Bright] several years ago for use under NeXTstep,
>> modified
>> them for use on Linux, but have no idea what Mac OS X expects to be
>> installed?
Duplicate the Linux setup and it'll ``just work''
Dr. Art Ogawa said:
>I know for sure that Mac OS X will acccept Type 1 fonts installed in
>Classic system folder, which is how most of my Mac OS X fonts are now
>(because they are carry-overs from Mac OS Classic).
Right, but a Mac font won't've been working in NeXTstep without being
converted to a .font bundle (for installation to NeXTstep), or a .pfa or
.pfb (for use with TeX)
>However, things that
>worked for NextStep often continue to work for Mac OS X (you are, of
>course, already familiar with NextStep fonts).
Not nifty NeXT-style .font bundles :(
<snip> description of conversion / installation for Mac usage
>Also, there is a new standard for fonts, called OpenType, but here
>my information is not good.
An OpenType font with TrueType outlines can be installed into pdfTeX
(according to the manual), but nifty glyph tables, etc. won't be made
use of.... but I'm sure no one wants to hear 'bout that again from me.
William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Subject: Editors - some questions
From: "Jan Erik Moström" <lists at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:08:03 +0100
I have to admit, I'm curious and I would really like to know a few things
(I'm not interested in a flame war of which editor is best I just want to
know why you thing different editors work best with TeX/LaTeX).
I'm a BBEdit user myself, although I've used Emacs, vi and various other text
editors. I'm satisfied using BBEdit for LaTeX editing (but I basically writes
text only, no equations etc) but ...
many of you says Alpha is so good for LaTeX editing but I have to admit that
I don't see what makes Alpha so much better than BBEdit.
The same goes for Peppar etc.
So, could someone explain to me what I "missing" when I use BBEdit? (perhaps
there is something I didn't know I needed 8-)
Jan Erik Moström jem at
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
From: "Mark Guzdial" <guzdial at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:48:10 -0500
Thanks to all who gave me excellent advice on getting an editor more
LaTeX-friendly installed! I didn't know anything about updating fink
previously, so that helped alot! Then a friend showed me apt-cache
search and apt-get which allowed me to get quickly some of the larger
fink packages.
As it stands right now, I have XFree86, Oroborus, and XEmacs running
on my machine. It took a bit of hunting to figure out how to install
AucTeX. It installed fine from the xemacs "sumo" package, but I
didn't realize that you have to do a bit more to turn it on. Right
now, I'm STUNNED with how much XEmacs does for you with AucTeX and
RefTex! It's lots of fun to play with.
Thanks everyone!
Mark Guzdial : Georgia Tech : College of Computing : Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
Associate Professor - Learning Sciences & Technologies.
Collaborative Software Lab -
(404) 894-5618 : Fax (404) 894-0673 : guzdial at
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
From: "Peter Erwin" <erwin at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:14:46 +0000
Hi Jan,
Thanks for the tip about atChange. I suspect it would be more busy than what
I was after -- re-running TeX each time I save the file (which I do a
lot, being
mildly paranoid about application crashses) is probably too often.
But I'll give it a try, and it looks like a *very* useful general
tool. I'm sure I'll
find some things to use it on...
-- Peter
>You can use the perl-script atChange to do all the latex-stuff when
>the file is saved with Alpha. In you can type something
>like this:
>atchange myfile.tex pdftex myfile.tex
>and the file myfile.tex will typeset if you save it.
>Look at for atChange.
Peter Erwin Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
erwin at C/ Via Lactea s/n
tel. +34 922 605 244 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] custom format files?
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:59:31 +0100
On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 05:20 , Joachim Kock wrote:
> #!/bin/sh
> test -f "`kpsewhich hiptex.fmt`" || fmtutil --byfmt hiptex
> exec pdftex -fmt=hiptex -progname=hiptex ${1+"$@"}
make that -progname=pdftex
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] aliases v symlinks
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 22:03:33 +0100
On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 05:26 , Larry Paulson wrote:
> In TexShop (or rather the underlying tetex) I find that MacOS aliases
> are not
> recognized, as in \includegraphics{blah} where blah.pdf is an alias.
> One has
> to go to the command line and use the Unix "ln" command. Any chance of
> fixing
> that?
The short answer is: No.
The somewhat longer answer is: No, because TeX does not know anything
about links, it relies on the kernel (and the standard libraries) to
resolve links. As far as TeX is concerned, it just opens a file. So, the
only party who can fix this is Apple.
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] BibDesk beta testers wanted
From: "Fredrik Wallenberg" <fwallenberg at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:13:47 -0800
Changing to UNIX line-endings (in BBEdit) fixed the problem.
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Editors - some questions
From: "Peter Erwin" <erwin at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 22:03:42 +0000
>many of you says Alpha is so good for LaTeX editing but I have to admit that
>I don't see what makes Alpha so much better than BBEdit.
>The same goes for Peppar etc.
>So, could someone explain to me what I "missing" when I use BBEdit? (perhaps
>there is something I didn't know I needed 8-)
Well, I'll give this a try. I've never used the full version of
BBEdit (part of the
reason I went with Alpha a while back was the cost difference), and it's been
a long time since I've used the Lite version. So I'll just mention
some of the
things I find useful about Alpha; maybe you'll notice something you *are*
missing (or maybe you'll decide you aren't missing anything!). The things
I *know* Pepper has also are indicated by a [P] after each item; if it's not
there, it means I don't know...
[] Command-key typesetting (e.g., Cmd-T sends the file for the front
window to your TeX application for processing). Works with OzTeX,
CMacTeX, Textures, and a couple of others. If I knew Tcl and had several
days to spare, I might be able to hack the Tcl code for this to add things
like command-line TeX, TeXShop, etc.
[] Emulation of just about all the standard Emacs key-commands (I used
emacs on our Sun workstations, so I'm often going back and forth between
Alpha on my PowerBook and Emacs on the Sun). [P -- but I think Alpha
has more; for example, Alpha will map Ctrl-X Ctrl-S to "Save File", but
Pepper doesn't]
[] Pop-up menu of sections, sub-sections, etc. I have a couple of documents
with literally dozens of subsections (one per galaxy I'm studying),
and it *very*
convenient to move around that way. [P]
[] File sets (adds menu items for use-selected directories, with
filters to specify
which types of files --- e.g., *.tex, *.c, etc. --- are listed, for
quick opening of files)
[] You can iconify windows (they turn into little floating, movable labels).
Very useful when you have fifteen or twenty opened files...
[] Sophisticated search and replace (with regular expression
syntax, if you want) [P]
[] Rectangular selections (for isolating columns, etc.)
[] Go to line x function (for when TeX says, "error on line 437"...) [P]
[] Syntax coloring, of course! (But they all do that...)
[] Numerous keyboard shortcuts for instantiating TeX/LaTeX commands
and environments (it's nice to be able to select some text, hit Crl-Opt-I,
and have it all wrapped neatly in \textit{}). There are a *lot* of these; I
normally only use a few. [P]
[] Partial auto-completion of various TeX macros (useful for me because
I do a fair amount of math-mode stuff). E.g., type _ and Alpha will
automatically add {} and put the cursor inside the brackets.
[] Smart LaTeX quotation marks (type " and it automatically becomes ``
for opening or '' for closing, and it's usually pretty good at guessing which
are needed; type DELETE to turn it into genuine ")
[] Easy Mac/Unix/DOS end-of-line conversion (it's a pop-up menu which
always shows you what the current state of the file is). [P]
[] Single-keystroke "fill paragraph" operation (like Esc-q in Emacs) *and*
automatic line-wrapping . I move enough text back and forth
between Unix and Mac that I need all my paragraphs hard-wrapped. I haven't
figured out how to do this in Pepper -- or at least, it doesn't work the way
I think it ought to. For me, this is kind of a show-stopper preventing me
from using Pepper more. That and the fact that Alpha in Classic still seems
much zippier than Pepper in MacOS X.
[] Finally, I find it very useful for editing C, C++, and Python,
as well as the
occasional HTML, shell script, and plain text files. It's very
useful to have one
tool for all that, which is why I'm not keen on learning a new editing
environment just for LaTeX. The version I'm using (7.5b) has something like
49 separate modes. (Of course, much the same reasoning applies to BBEdit,
Pepper, and Emacs!)
Peter Erwin Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
erwin at C/ Via Lactea s/n
tel. +34 922 605 244 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X
From: "Rick Zaccone" <zaccone at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:16:03 -0500 (EST)
>As it stands right now, I have XFree86, Oroborus, and XEmacs running
>on my machine. It took a bit of hunting to figure out how to install
>AucTeX. It installed fine from the xemacs "sumo" package, but I
>didn't realize that you have to do a bit more to turn it on. Right
>now, I'm STUNNED with how much XEmacs does for you with AucTeX and
>RefTex! It's lots of fun to play with.
I use Gnu emacs, but I agree. It's worth the effort. Emacs outline
mode can be handy too. It will allow you to collapse portions of the
document. I don't use it as much since I installed RefTeX, but it's
still useful.
Subject: Re: [Mac OS X TeX] Editors - some questions
From: "Fredrik Wallenberg" <fwallenberg at>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:19:00 -0800
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;
On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 02:03 , Peter Erwin wrote:
> [] Rectangular selections (for isolating columns, etc.)
> [] Partial auto-completion of various TeX macros (useful for me
> because
> I do a fair amount of math-mode stuff). E.g., type _ and Alpha will
> automatically add {} and put the cursor inside the brackets.
> [] Smart LaTeX quotation marks (type " and it automatically becomes
> ``
> for opening or '' for closing, and it's usually pretty good at guessing
> which
> are needed; type DELETE to turn it into genuine ")
These are the only ones that I don't know if BBEdit has. For all the
others all I could do was say "check".
I am using BBEdit (the full version) and love it. While I did look at
Alpha briefly I found that it became too complicated with too many
options. BBEdit is just much "cleaner" to work with (IMHO).
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/enriched;
On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 02:03 , Peter Erwin wrote:
<excerpt><fixed> [] Rectangular selections (for isolating columns,
[] Partial auto-completion of various TeX macros (useful for me
I do a fair amount of math-mode stuff). E.g., type _ and Alpha will
automatically add {} and put the cursor inside the brackets.
[] Smart LaTeX quotation marks (type " and it automatically becomes
for opening or '' for closing, and it's usually pretty good at
guessing which
are needed; type DELETE to turn it into genuine ")
These are the only ones that I don't know if BBEdit has. For all the
others all I could do was say "check".
I am using BBEdit (the full version) and love it. While I did look at
Alpha briefly I found that it became too complicated with too many
options. BBEdit is just much "cleaner" to work with (IMHO).
End of MacOSX-TeX Digest
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