[Mac OS X TeX] What is the function of the "Tags" menu?
Gary L. Gray
gray at engr.psu.edu
Sun Jan 13 14:21:02 EST 2002
On 1/13/02 2:08 PM, "John Vokey" <vokey at uleth.ca> wrote:
> Cool. Is that in the help file somewhere and I just missed it?
Yes, though it is easy to miss. Under the section entitled "Typesetting
Documents:", there is a paragraph that states:
If a line in the source begins with the characters "%:", TeXShop interprets
the remaining word or words on the line as a "tag" and adds these words to
the Tag pulldown menu. Choosing a tag entry in this menu will scroll to the
appropriate line in the source file.
Best regards,
Gary L. Gray
Associate Professor
Address: Engineering Science and Mechanics
The Pennsylvania State University
212 Earth & Engineering Sciences Building
University Park, PA 16802-6812
Phone: (814) 863-1778
Fax: (814) 863-7967
E-mail: <mailto:gray at engr.psu.edu>
Web: <http://www.esm.psu.edu/Faculty/Gray/>
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