[Mac OS X TeX] Selection of matching parentheses
Maarten Sneep
sneep at nat.vu.nl
Tue Jan 15 09:05:25 EST 2002
On 15-Jan-02 Bruno Voisin wrote:
# > do not click twice on a parenthesis
# > disable this feature in the prefs.
# Thanks, but that's not what I meant, I wasn't speaking of clicking
# (either once or twice).
# What I meant is that when you select (with the mouse) one parenthesis
# (same is true for curly brace) the selection is automatically extended
# to the matching parenthesis, so that your selection becomes the two
# parentheses and the text in between, regardless of what you were
# actually looking for.
I think this is a feature of the cocoa text handling functions. I think I saw
this in other programs as well. I connot check it right now, so if someone can
confirm this (try project builder, I think it was that one)
# I tried to disable "Balance parentheses" in the Prefs, this doesn't help.
# Bruno Voisin
Maarten Sneep
Did anybody dance?
Maarten Sneep
Atomic- and Laser Physics group
vrije Universiteit, amsterdam
The Netherlands
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