[Mac OS X TeX] BBEdit 6.5 & OzTeX 5.0b7

Everett W. Howe however at alumni.caltech.edu
Sat Jan 26 01:09:25 EST 2002

Hello all,

Ingo Reich asked about getting Francois Ladouceur's OzTeX plug-in
for BBEdit to work.  I'm not sure what that plug-in does, but if
all you want to do is to get OzTeX to typeset the BBEdit document
you are working on, you can try this instead:

Open Script Editor, and enter the following script:

   tell application "BBEdit 6.1 for OS X"
      set tf to the file of text window 1
   end tell
   tell application "Finder"
      open tf using alias "PowerBook G4 HD:Applications:OzTeX 5.0b7:OzTeX"
   end tell

(Of course, you should use your own path to OzTeX, and you should
use the name of whatever version of BBEdit you use.)

Press the "Check syntax" button to make sure you got the application
names and paths right, and then save the script in the Scripts 
folder in the BBEdit Support folder.  Then, in BBEdit, give the
script a keystroke equivalent, and you're set.

(This hint was stolen from http://www.mostrom.pp.se/info/bbedit/tips.html)

I had been using TeXShop pretty consistently, with a few experiments
with BBEdit/CMacTeX/Acrobat Reader, but my current favorite is
BBEdit/OzTeX.  The text quality of OzTeX's dvi previewer doesn't
match what you get from pdf viewers, but I can move around documents
quickly, and the previewer remembers where I was looking.  When I
have reached a good stopping point, I run pdflatex from the terminal
and open the pdf file with Acrobat Reader.

Thanks to everyone who is developing TeX for OS X, by the way.  Y'all
are making my life much better, and I appreciate it.

-- Everett

Everett Howe                          Center for Communications Research
however at alumni.caltech.edu                           4320 Westerra Court
http://alumni.caltech.edu/~however                  San Diego, CA  92121

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