[Mac OS X TeX] Spelling, etc

Joshua Kuritzky joshua at kuritzky.com
Fri Jan 18 21:46:47 EST 2002

On 1/18/02 1:01 AM, "Adrian Heathcote"
<adrian.heathcote at philosophy.usyd.edu.au> wrote:

> All
> This may be known to everyone, or it may not---but all the talk about
> Excalibur makes me think it is not.
> TeXShop users do not really need Excalibur, provided they have an
> internet connection. Install Omnidictionary and it appears in the
> Services Menu of applicable apps. Simply choose the word, go to the
> services menu and call up the dictionary. Spell-checker of a kind, as
> much as any dictionary is! (If Excalibur is going to be adapted maybe it
> should work in the same kind of way---that is, through the services
> menu.)

If you don't have an internet connection, it's possible to compile and run a
dict server on OS X. Go to www.dict.org and download dictd and whatever
dictionaries you're interested in. (You will need to make a few source code
tweaks to get the whole thing to work, but they're relatively
straightforward. E-mail me if you need more info.) Omnidictionary isn't a
replacement for Excalibur, but it's a nice addition.


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