[OS X TeX] font encoding file issue?

Bruce D'Arcus bdarcus at mac.com
Tue Jul 16 11:21:38 EDT 2002

I have tried to add two virtual fonts using custom encodings to the Hoefler Text installation I created with ttf2tex.  One is for a special footnote font that uses superiors, and the other is for monospaced lining figures I'd like to use for tables.  I have the same problem with both, so let me take what I did for the lining example as illustration:

I'll start with the punchline, which is that I get a pdf with empty boxes where the glyphs should be, and this error from the console:

	Warning: pdftex (file TI-SCLMO.enc): cannot open encoding file for reading

I have no idea why this should be the case, as ttf2tfm has no similar problem reading the file.  Any suggestions?

What I did, in more detail....

1) Ran these commands:

ttf2tfm ehtr16.ttf -N -T T1-SCLMO.enc -v ehtr9l.vpl ehtr18l.tfm
vptovf ehtr9l.vpl ehtr9l.vf ehtr9l.tfm

2) Placed vf and tfm files in proper directories

3) Added a t1ehtl.fd file with



\DeclareFontShape{T1}{ehtl}{m}{n} {<-> ehtr9l}{}

4) Added the following to the eht.map file:

ehtr18l		HoeflerText-Regular	<TI-SCLMO.enc <ehtr16.ttf

5) ran mktexlsr

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