[OS X TeX] Alphatk/tex

Vince Darley vince.darley at eurobios.com
Wed Jul 24 07:19:13 EDT 2002

Please note I'm just uploading a new version of Alphatk.dmg which should 
improve some of this (and remove the 'infinite startup screen problem), but 
more work needs to be done to make this completely seamless... (after all 
this is still a beta release)

>Has anyone hooked it up to tetex and compiled a LaTeX file and found the
>rendering? What I did was point the tex engine to

It works for me, so we should be able to make it work for you too!

>and then command-T a file that is a driver for a set of latex \include's.
>Alpha thinks and then reports:
>File: /Users/brock/Documents/ ISP/ISP213_f2002pb/isp211_1.tex
>"/usr/bin/texi2html" isp211_1.tex
>um, texi2html?

You probably need to readjust your tex or pdftex or pdflatex helper in the 
Config->Preferences->Helper Apps dialog.  Please see:


for some further details...

>What, actually, should I expect to see happen? I presume that some sort of
>renderer is not relevant, unless one can explicitly hook alphatk up to
>Acrobat or something else? I had always used the older alpha through

You should see the log from the tex run in the window.  Clearly somehow 
texi2html was being run instead...


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