[OS X TeX] Scripting
Bruce D'Arcus
bdarcus at mac.com
Sat Jun 29 14:24:10 EDT 2002
I had the same question. I started to do this using Visual Basic, with Word's record macro function (recording a series of find/replace commands). My thought was to build a macro to do this and a few other things (map headings to sections, and convert footnotes), and then stick it in a Word template with a toolbar button. I'm a scripting novice too though.
In any case, please let me (us?) know what you come up with...
On Friday, 28, 2002, at 09:38PM, Adrian Heathcote <adrian.heathcote at philosophy.usyd.edu.au> wrote:
>Hi Folks
>I want to write a script which will take a Word file and convert some of
>the most common character formatting in that file and replace it with
>latex commands. So, for example if a string of characters is italisized
>in word the script will replace it with that string surrounded by
>\textit{}. And so on for some other bits of formatting that will not
>convert with find/replace in Word.
>Does anyone have any suggestions, for a scripting novice, of which
>scripting language would best accomplish this? Should I learn Perl,
>Applescript or what?
>Thanks in advance
>Adrian Heathcote
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