[OS X TeX] fixed: lucida installation

chip brock brock at pa.msu.edu
Tue Jun 18 21:43:15 EDT 2002


Okay...I seem to have fixed the lucida font problem. The clue was the
realization that in Michael's console dump of his simple file, that only the
lumath directory seemed to hang from his /User/mmurray/... chain, rather
than the /usr/local/... chain like mine. When I moved my math fonts to a
similar directory chain built from my home directory, the math worked.

This still left some of the other rendering weird, like: bold headings I
think were not bold and the combination "fi" was still rendered as a box.
So, being a good physicist, I saw the pattern and moved the whole yandy
subdirectory set into my home directory chain. After fiddling with the
preamble, it all renders properly, as far as I can tell (leaving only
undiscovered mistakes, I suppose).

SO, for posterity:

1) The placement of the pfb files are:

[brock:fonts/type1/yandy] brock% pwd
[brock:fonts/type1/yandy] brock% ls -R
lubright lucida   lucidfax lucsans  lumath

LBD.PFB copy     LBI.PFB copy     LBSL.PFB copy    lbdsc.pfb
LBDI.PFB copy    LBR.PFB copy     lbd.pfb          lbi.pfb          lbsl.pfb
LBDSC.PFB copy   LBRSC.PFB copy   lbdi.pfb         lbr.pfb

LBC.PFB copy     LBL.PFB copy     LBTR.PFB copy    lbkr.pfb         lbto.pfb
LBH.PFB copy     LBTB.PFB copy    lbc.pfb          lbl.pfb          lbtr.pfb
LBKI.PFB copy    LBTBO.PFB copy   lbh.pfb          lbtb.pfb
LBKR.PFB copy    LBTO.PFB copy    lbki.pfb         lbtbo.pfb

LFD.PFB copy  LFI.PFB copy  lfd.pfb       lfi.pfb
LFDI.PFB copy LFR.PFB copy  lfdi.pfb      lfr.pfb

LSB.PFB copy     LSI.PFB copy     LSTO.PFB copy    lsd.pfb          lstb.pfb
LSBI.PFB copy    LSR.PFB copy     LSTR.PFB copy    lsdi.pfb
LSD.PFB copy     LSTB.PFB copy    lsb.pfb          lsi.pfb          lsto.pfb
LSDI.PFB copy    LSTBO.PFB copy   lsbi.pfb         lsr.pfb          lstr.pfb

[brock:fonts/type1/yandy] brock%

2) The working preamble is:


Have no idea why this works.

thanks for the help.


On 6/18/02 9:06 PM, "chip brock" <brock at pa.msu.edu> wrote:

> somehow this didn't go this morning??
> thanks,
> Chip
> On 6/18/02 8:21 AM, "chip brock" <brock at pa.msu.edu> wrote:
>> hi
>> Well, my  permissions are:
>> [brock:fonts/type1/yandy] brock% pwd
>> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy
>> [brock:fonts/type1/yandy] brock% ls -al
>> total 0
>> drwxrwxrwx   7 root  admin  194 Jun 17 22:01 .
>> drwxr-xr-x   9 root  admin  262 Jun 17 21:59 ..
>> drwxrwxrwx  16 root  admin  500 Jun 17 22:57 lubright
>> drwxrwxrwx  20 root  admin  636 Jun 17 22:45 lucida
>> drwxrwxrwx  10 root  admin  296 Jun 17 22:59 lucidfax
>> drwxrwxrwx  22 root  admin  704 Jun 17 22:52 lucsans
>> drwxrwxrwx  24 root  admin  772 Jun 17 23:03 lumath
>> [brock:fonts/type1/yandy] brock% ls ./lumath
>> [brock:fonts/type1/yandy] brock%
>> You'll notice that I've removed the lowercase versions. That didn't help
>> with the missing math symbols. Also, I've attached my source file and the
>> pdf that it makes. I think that the font is largely lucida, but you'll see
>> that there are problems with the letter f and math symbols. If you look at
>> the Document Fonts in the pdf, you'll also see that this is weird, as it was
>> in the simple comparison file that Michael sent me last night .
>> Is there anything funky about the directory structure where this lives?
>> If possible, it would be interesting to see you run my file (there is one
>> macro file that's mine - prd_input.tex - that you can take out without
>> causing much pain.
>> thanks, Adrian and Michael for your slogging through this with me...
>> Chip
>> On 6/18/02 3:03 AM, "Adrian Heathcote"
>> <adrian.heathcote at philosophy.usyd.edu.au> wrote:
>>>> what do you mean specifically by 'encoding'?
>>> The encoding is a mapping of glyph positions onto some new set of
>>> positions so that TeX knows where to find them.
>>>> And, where do the vf, and
>>>> balance of the tfm files go? I gather that if I were a wintel machine, I
>>>> would have received an installer with the download...!
>>> The positions for the vf files are in the fonts folder with the tfm
>>> folder and the type 1 folder. They are named separately.
>>>> In the old days, outline fonts meant one thing, in this business, what
>>>> does
>>>> it mean?
>>> It means the .pfb files. These are what cost all the money. The rest can
>>> be freely distributed.
>>>> All that I 'installed' were the pfb fonts, since that seemed to work for
>>>> Michael before. What I did specifically is download and unzip the files
>>>> from
>>>> yandy. I created the directories from
>>>> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts/type1/yandy
>>>> to match the tfm directories, copied the corresponding yandy pfb files
>>>> into
>>>> my new directories one for each that existed already in the
>>>> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/yandy
>>>> directory. Then, since they were all UPPER CASE after unzipping, I made
>>>> copies of them and by hand changed the originals to lower case, leaving
>>>> the
>>>> copies still there, as it made it easy to see that I changed them
>>>> properly
>>>> without a typo. Then I started to use them.
>>> I didn't change from upper to lowercase and wonder if that is where your
>>> problem came in. Try installing the originals with their uppercase names.
>>>> The ..../tfm/yandy directories contain:
>>>> [brock:fonts/tfm/yandy] brock% ls -R
>>>> courier   lucida    lucsans   mathpi    mathtime  times
>>>> lubright  lucidfax  lumath    mathplus  symbol    zapfding
>>>> namely:
>>>> ./lubright:
>>>> lbd.tfm   lbdi.tfm  lbdsc.tfm lbi.tfm   lbr.tfm   lbrsc.tfm lbsl.tfm
>>>> ./lucida:
>>>> lbh.tfm   lbkr.tfm  lbtb.tfm  lbto.tfm
>>>> lbc.tfm   lbki.tfm  lbl.tfm   lbtbo.tfm lbtr.tfm
>>>> ./lucidfax:
>>>> lfd.tfm   lfdi.tfm  lfi.tfm   lfr.tfm
>>>> ./lucsans:
>>>> lsb.tfm   lsd.tfm   lsi.tfm   lstb.tfm  lsto.tfm
>>>> lsbi.tfm  lsdi.tfm  lsr.tfm   lstbo.tfm lstr.tfm
>>>> ./lumath:
>>>> lbma.tfm  lbmd.tfm  lbmdo.tfm lbmi.tfm  lbmr.tfm  lbmsd.tfm
>>>> lbmad.tfm lbmdi.tfm lbme.tfm  lbmo.tfm  lbms.tfm
>>> Also: you really don't need everything about encoding in the preamble.
>>> Just put
>>> \usepackage[expert]{lucidabr}
>>> That should work if everything is configured correctly.
>>> But it sound as if your system doesn't know that the pfb fonts are
>>> there. (You can see what lucida fonts should look like by looking at The
>>> Latex Companion. It was done in lucida.)
>>> Send a sample perhaps
>>> Adrian Heathcote
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Raymond Brock  *  Professor of Physics
>> 3210 BPS Building
>> Department of Physics and Astronomy
>> Michigan State University  *  East Lansing, MI  48824
>> brock at pa.msu.edu
>> cell..............(517)927-5447
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>> Home:            http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/
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>> Snowmass:        http://snowmassserver.snowmass2001.org/Working_Group_E4/
>> farm shift log:  http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/file_sharing/farming/
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Raymond Brock  *  Professor of Physics
> 3210 BPS Building
> Department of Physics and Astronomy
> Michigan State University  *  East Lansing, MI  48824
> brock at pa.msu.edu
> cell..............(517)927-5447
> hep office........(517)353-1693/355-9200 #2120
> open fax..........(517)355-6661
> secure fax........(517)351-0688
> Fermilab office...(630)840-2286
> CERN Office:......40 5-C31 * 76-71258
> Home:            http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/
> db/dh meetings:  http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/file_sharing/dhdb/
> Snowmass:        http://snowmassserver.snowmass2001.org/Working_Group_E4/
> farm shift log:  http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/file_sharing/farming/
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Raymond Brock  *  Professor of Physics
3210 BPS Building
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University  *  East Lansing, MI  48824
brock at pa.msu.edu

hep office........(517)353-1693/355-9200 #2120
open fax..........(517)355-6661
secure fax........(517)351-0688
Fermilab office...(630)840-2286
CERN Office:......40 5-C31 * 76-71258

Home:            http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/
db/dh meetings:  http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/file_sharing/dhdb/
Snowmass:        http://snowmassserver.snowmass2001.org/Working_Group_E4/
farm shift log:  http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/file_sharing/farming/

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