SOLVED: [OS X TeX] Mathematica e TeXShop

Gerben Wierda Sherlock at
Thu Jun 27 01:38:25 EDT 2002

On Thursday, June 27, 2002, at 01:18 , Ross Moore wrote:

> Now to unpack directly into  texmf.local  one could do the following
> (as root, or via sudo):
> rm texmf
> ln -s texmf.local texmf
> tar -xf <archive>
> rm texmf
> ln -s texmf.teTeX texmf
> texhash

tar will overwrite the symbolic link, you need gnutar, which is only 
available on developer systems. So it should be:

rm texmf
mv texmf.local texmf
tar -xf <archive>
mv texmf texmf.local
ln -s texmf.teTeX texmf

but the question arrive, when you are doing this mv stuff, why do I need 
to change anyway? What about:

mv texmf
mv texmf.local texmf
tar -xf <archive>
mv texmf texmf.local
mv texmf

Your other solution does not work too, since tar overwrites the symbolic 
link with a directory.

I will thing about this some more. Maybe I'll make the install of the 
texmf tree non-destructive. Or when i-Installer has become a bit more 
interactive, I could give the user a choice (best).


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