[OS X TeX] exerquiz
Marie-Claude David
Marie-Claude.David at math.u-psud.fr
Wed Jun 12 04:12:34 EDT 2002
> > Bonjour !
thanks for your answer.Here is the result of my experimentation :
> >
> > I want to use exerquiz in pdfscreen.
>That is a *huge* number of packages to be loading together.
>Expect to have to increase memory-allocation parameters,
>and perhaps remake you latex.fmt to match these new parameters.
>(Xy-pic is a memory-hog by itself.
I took off xy and it can compile a line of text but it cannot compile a quiz;
the quiz came from Thales, a document you can find as "un bel exemple" at :
I put the file at the end of this message
>Why is it loading Cyrillics ?
>That wasn't among the packages above.
I don't know
>Anyway, the [hash size=10000] is rather small.
>Change it in: /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
>as the hash_extra = ..... parameter.
>Best is probably to insert a new line, such as:
>hash_extra.pdftex = 40000
>similar to the line for hash_extra.context .
I changed that
I hope you can help me to use this package
best regards
Marie-Claude David
% \usepackage[all]{xy}
% \usepackage{xr}%pour g\'erer les fichiers ext\'erieurs
%\externaldocument{solutions}%pour mentionner un fichier ext\'erieur
\margins{.25in}{.25in}{.25in}{.25in} % left,right,top, bottom
\screensize{13.5cm}{18cm} % height, width
% \overlay{overlay1.pdf}
\pdfcompresslevel= 9
%QCMseatex 1999
\section{} Soit $\Phi$ l'application de $E \times E$ dans
$\vv{E}$ qui à $(x,y)$ associe le vecteur
\begin{quiz}*{qz:TeX-a}{\footnotesize(Pour remettre à 0 les
scores, cliquez sur début)}
\item Quelle est l'aire du triangle $ADE$ ?
\Ans0 120 cm$^2$ &\Ans0 240 cm$^2$ &\Ans1 60 cm$^2$ &\Ans0 80 cm$^2$
\item Quelle est l'aire du triangle $BDE$ ?
\Ans0 36 cm$^2$ &\Ans0 12 cm$^2$ &\Ans0 72 cm$^2$&\Ans1 18 cm$^2$
\item Quelle est l'aire du triangle $CDE$ ?
\Ans0 36 cm$^2$&\Ans1 18 cm$^2$&\Ans0 20 cm$^2$&\Ans0 84 cm$^2$
{\footnotesize ( Pour voir le score cliquez sur fin )}
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