[OS X TeX] batch convert eps to pdf using epstopdf

Maarten Sneep sneep at nat.vu.nl
Mon Mar 11 05:43:01 EST 2002

On vrijdag, maart 8, 2002, at 08:20 , Hanspeter Schaub wrote:

> I have a simple question.  I have installed the teTeX distribution for 
> OS X.  Using the command line program epstopdf, I only seem to be able 
> to convert one eps image at a time.  How can I batch convert a set of 
> *.eps files?  I only know some very basic UNIX stuff, but I figured 
> that must be a slick way to do this?

Indeed, basic unix stuff, but here it is. In the terminal (basic unix, 
right) type:

find . -name "*.eps" -exec epstodpf {} \;

This will search the current directory and all subdirectories for files 
matching *.eps (case sensitive, of course) and runs epstopdf on all 
results it finds. Try nam find for more information.

If you use the default tcsh, you can use the following command to 
convert a single directory only:

foreach f (*.eps)
echo "Converting $f"
epstopdf $f

After the first line the prompt will change to indicate the shell needs 
more information.


Maarten Sneep

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