MacOSX-TeX Digest #264 - 03/15/02
TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List
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Fri Mar 15 20:00:01 EST 2002
MacOSX-TeX Digest #264 - Friday, March 15, 2002
Re: [OS X TeX] Different TeX platforms
by "Adrian Heathcote" <adrian.heathcote at>
Re: praise --- and three humble fine-tuning suggestions
by "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
New TeX release (old style release)
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Re: praise --- and three humble fine-tuning suggestions
by "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
XDvi and GW's tetex
by "Enrico Franconi" <franconi at>
Re: [OS X TeX] New TeX release (old style release)
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] XDvi and GW's tetex
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] New TeX release (old style release)
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
newbie: mirror image of the teTeX directory structure in
by <christoph.lehmann at>
New TeX release (old style release)
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
printing postscript
by "V. Vatsal" <vatsal at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "Jerry Wilcox" <Jerry.Wilcox at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "Jon Guyer" <jguyer at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "V. Vatsal" <vatsal at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "Jon Guyer" <jguyer at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "V. Vatsal" <vatsal at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "Frank STENGEL" <fstengel at>
Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
by "Travis Beals" <trbeals at>
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Different TeX platforms
From: "Adrian Heathcote" <adrian.heathcote at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:05:21 +1100
The different versions/revisions of pdftex don't seem to have introduced
any problems in at least one direction, i.e. opening up legacy pdf's.
Nor have there been any problems reported to this list about
collaborating with others using the (very) slightly older versions.
And in general there has never been a better time to enter the world of
OSX. TeXShop 1.17 is very stable and GW is tireless in keeping us up to
date with TeXLive-teTeX. Just what a thesis writer needs!
Adrian Heathcote
On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 11:02 AM, Andy Doller wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>>> If you're concerned 'bout staying up-to-date with pdftex on any
>>> platform, you should subscribe to the pdftex mailing list.
>> No, no, no. If you're concerned 'bout staying up-to-date with (pdf)TeX
>> you should change to Mac OS X ;-) ;-) ;-)
> Upon reading as much as I could of the PDFtex archives, I have found
> much much confusion about the pre-test releases of pdftex of (version
> 1.00a and 1.00b) since August 2001 across the various platforms. I
> would like to thank the folks that make the .dmg files of TeXShop and
> TeTeX for keeping this confusion from the rest of us, continually
> providing a great product especially since it is 'bleeding edge,' all
> with the drag and drop simplicity of OSX.
> Only my last question seem to apply here now. With all of these
> different versions of pdftex floating around, how can one claim device
> independence, when code my code may or may not work on other default
> installations. Also, it is alot of work to keep software at the
> bleeding-edge level and you risk discovering bugs when you need a
> publication out the door. I see that the success/ease of use/etc. of
> pdftex on OSX could cause its own schism between itself in the rest of
> the tex'ing community. I am having a difficult time convincing others
> (especially on windows machines) to switch to pdftex due its lack of
> progress that is available to them by default? I just abandoned Texsis
> because of the small community and waining support and from my
> experience it is best to have a local community that all run the same
> environment. Can someone convince me that I am not jumping from the
> frying pan into the fire before I get to deep into writing my thesis?
> Thanks,
> Andy Doller
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> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Re: praise --- and three humble fine-tuning suggestions
From: "Joachim Kock" <kock at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:07:57 +0100
> > If you read my post again, notice that I am talking strictly about the
> > situation where TeXShop is configured for external editor. This means
> > that the source is not going to be shown in TeXShop at all --- the
> > source is typically already open in your favourite editor. What we want
> > is really to have it tex'ed...
> I rather agree with Paulo, softwares which take initiatives may be
> appealing at first look, or when you only use them once in a while, but
> tend to be a pain for everyday use.
> That's one of the reasons I can't stand Word: it's always willing to
> take initiatives, like selecting a whole word and the space after it
> while I just want to select a few letters, or transforming into a list a
> paragraph that starts with an hyphen and format this list in some
> predefined way, etc. Most of the time I spend using Word (I sometimes
> have to) is spent finding which preference controls this or that
> initiative, and disactivating it.
> Generally when I use a software I expect it to do exactly what I
> explicitly ask it to do, no more, no less. (Assuming that I ask well,
> which is another story.)
> Sorry if that sounds aggressive, the original suggestion just struck a
> nerve in me.
Hello again,
Obviously we are not talking about the same thing.
TeXShop run in two different modes: 1) The original one, where it is
integrated editor/typersetter/previewer, 2) the new one: "Configured for
external editor" where it is only typesetter/previewer.
1: TeXShop as editor/typesetter/reviewer. In this mode, everybody agrees
that if you say "Open" to a tex file, then it should be opened in an editor
window, period. (If you say "Open" to a dvi or ps file, it is not opened
in the editor; rather TeXShop 'takes the initiative' to run the appropriate
programme, in order to produce a pdf which it can display in a previewing
window. You may call that a hidden action if you want, but probably we all
agree that TeXShop is right on this point...)
2: When configured for external editor, TeXShop is only
typesetter/previewer. (You set this option in "Preferences" --- try it out
to see how it works...) There are now two "Open" commands in the menu: one
called "Open for editing" (which overrides the configuration and opens the
file in an editor window), and another one generic, just called "Open",
which currently does the following:
on pdf files: previews the pdf file
on ps files produces a pdf which is then shown in a previewing window
on dvi files produces a pdf which is then shown in a previewing window
on tex files if there is an old pdf file next to it, display that one;
if not, display a blank page.
This last thing is what I suggest is changed. It is not logical that an
old file is opened --- if you really wanted to see the old version, why not
open that pdf file directly? It would also not be logical to have the tex
file opened in the built-in editor --- then there would be no point at all
in having the "Configure for external editor".
The ony logical thing to do for a programme which is a typesetter/previewer
is to typeset and preview the file, in accordance also with the philosophy
for the other formats:
on tex files produce a pdf from the file and display that pdf.
(One could ponder the name "Preview" instead of "Open" for the menu item
--- I'm not sure if it would be better. Maybe the ideal solution would be
to call it "Open" in the menu, but then in the ensuing dialogue box let the
default button change name according to the selected item (this is inspired
by OzTeX), i.e. "TeX" or "Typeset" for tex files, and "Preview" or maybe
"Distill" for dvi, ps, pdf...)
I'm sorry for being so long on this simple issue, and I'm also sorry that
my suggestion perhaps no longer appears as humble as it was originally
Subject: New TeX release (old style release)
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 10:45:35 +0100
There is a new TeX release at
TeX Live from March 12, 2002
Added symbolic link for nehyph2.tex
Installer will remove language.dat and fmtutilcnf from texmf.local.
This is necessary because the new language.dat and fmtutil.cnf formats
enable automatic processing better and open the way for a TeX
Configuration GUI. After installing this version, you'll need to reset
any hyphenation pattern or format changes you have set.
Do *not* keep copies of fmtutil.cnf and language.dat in your
personal ~/Library/texmf tree! This defeats my possibilities of changes
on your locla system if they are really needed (as they are now).
TeX can be downloaded from:
If you do not use a filename length limited file system to download to,
the official release name is
(still longer that 32 characters but even by removing the dashes and the
b for beta it will still be too long)
PS. The new style release is coming up.
PPS. nehyph2.tex does not exist anymore, there is now only one good
Dutch hyphenation file available and it is called nehyph.tex and is part
of the teTeX texmf release. To support older language.dat files (which I
really should not do, but that aside) I have created a symbolic link for
nehyph2.tex in texmf.macosx. This will make installations using
language.dat copies in ~/Library/texmf work. However, in the future, I
will remove this link again, it is only there to enable you to move your
current settings to the new style language.dat.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: praise --- and three humble fine-tuning suggestions
From: "jerome LAURENS" <jerome.laurens at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:02:38 +0100
Le vendredi 15 mars 2002, à 09:07 AM, Joachim Kock a écrit :
> This last thing is what I suggest is changed. It is not logical that an
> old file is opened --- if you really wanted to see the old version, why
> not
> open that pdf file directly? It would also not be logical to have the
> tex
> file opened in the built-in editor --- then there would be no point at
> all
> in having the "Configure for external editor".
> The ony logical thing to do for a programme which is a
> typesetter/previewer
> is to typeset and preview the file, in accordance also with the
> philosophy
> for the other formats:
please do consider that things have their own logic:
- what should happen if I want to open my old pdf but i made a mistake
and opened the tex file next to it.
- why not open the tex file in TeXShop, if you just have to make a minor
spell correction
What TeXShop should do is implement both things and let the user make
its own choice, but your suggestion is not just fine tuning.
Subject: XDvi and GW's tetex
From: "Enrico Franconi" <franconi at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:43:06 +0000
The problem of xdvi always checking for existing fonts is solved:
1) fink selfupdate-cvs
2) cp /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/text/xdvi-22.53-1.* /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo/text/
3) fink install xdvi
4) in /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf :
replace the last lines about xdvi with the following
PKFONTS.XDvi = .:$TEXMF/%s:$VARTEXFONTS/pk/{%m,modeless}//
PSHEADERS.XDvi = .:$TEXMF/%q{dvips,fonts/type1}//
PSFIGURES.XDvi = .:$TEXMF/%q{dvips,tex}//
Gerben: can you make this change permanent in the future releases?
-- e.
Enrico Franconi - franconi at
University of Manchester -
Department of Computer Science - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170
Manchester M13 9PL, UK - Fax: +44 (161) 275 6204
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] New TeX release (old style release)
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:01:44 +0100
The real directory is of course
And the files are:
If you do not use a filename length limited file system to download to,
the official release name is
A small error is in this installer and it will be updated asap. It does
not set the path in tcsh on first installs correctly. For
updates/current users, there is no problem.
On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 10:45 , Gerben Wierda wrote:
> There is a new TeX release at
> Changes:
> TeX Live from March 12, 2002
> Added symbolic link for nehyph2.tex
> Warning:
> Installer will remove language.dat and fmtutilcnf from
> texmf.local. This is necessary because the new language.dat and
> fmtutil.cnf formats enable automatic processing better and open the way
> for a TeX Configuration GUI. After installing this version, you'll need
> to reset any hyphenation pattern or format changes you have set.
> Warning:
> Do *not* keep copies of fmtutil.cnf and language.dat in your
> personal ~/Library/texmf tree! This defeats my possibilities of changes
> on your locla system if they are really needed (as they are now).
> TeX can be downloaded from:
> If you do not use a filename length limited file system to download to,
> the official release name is
> (still longer that 32 characters but even by removing the dashes and
> the b for beta it will still be too long)
> G
> PS. The new style release is coming up.
> PPS. nehyph2.tex does not exist anymore, there is now only one good
> Dutch hyphenation file available and it is called nehyph.tex and is
> part of the teTeX texmf release. To support older language.dat files
> (which I really should not do, but that aside) I have created a
> symbolic link for nehyph2.tex in texmf.macosx. This will make
> installations using language.dat copies in ~/Library/texmf work.
> However, in the future, I will remove this link again, it is only there
> to enable you to move your current settings to the new style
> language.dat.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] XDvi and GW's tetex
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:12:50 +0100
On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 12:43 , Enrico Franconi wrote:
> Gerben: can you make this change permanent in the future releases?
It is already present in the current (Mar 14) release. BTW, The Mar 14
will be superseded with a Mar 15 release.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] New TeX release (old style release)
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:31:08 +0100
tex-gs, not texgs. Grrrr.
Anyway, I am uploading the new release as I write this. Wait a couple of
On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 01:01 , Gerben Wierda wrote:
> The real directory is of course
Subject: newbie: mirror image of the teTeX directory structure in
From: <christoph.lehmann at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:53:50 +0100
Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-transfer-encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
if I want to use my own bst and sty files, it is recommended to store=
them in
your home directory's Library folder, make a series of subdirectories=
*=09Library --> texmf --> tex --> latex --> misc
to construct a mirror image of the teTeX directory structure inside=
your Library folder and store personal files there.
since I am new with unix and os x: how can I do this?
Christoph Lehmann
Rue de la carri=E8re 2, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
christoph.lehmann at
home : ++41 26 422 15 34, mobile: ++41 78 741 03 22
Windows NT crashed. I'm your blue screen of death.
Nobody hears your screams.
Content-type: text/enriched; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-transfer-encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
Hi=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0Aif I want to use my own bst and sty files, it is =
recommended to store=0D=0Athem in=0D=0A=0D=0A<fontfamily><param>Times=
New Roman</param><bigger><bigger>your home=0D=0Adirectory's Library =
folder, make a series of subdirectories as=0D=0Afollows: =0D=0A=0D=
=0A=0D=0A*=09Library --> texmf --> tex --> latex --> misc </bigger></=
bigger></fontfamily>=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0Aand =0D=0A=0D=0A<fontfami=
ly><param>Times New Roman</param><bigger><bigger> to=0D=0Aconstruct a=
mirror image of the teTeX directory structure inside your=0D=0ALibra=
ry folder and store personal files there.=0D=0A=0D=0A =0D=0A=0D=0Asin=
ce I am new with unix and os x: how can I do this?=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=
---------------------------=0D=0A=0D=0AChristoph Lehmann=0D=0A=0D=
=0ARue de la carri=E8re 2, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland=0D=0A=0D=0Achri=
stoph.lehmann at : ++41 26 422 15 34, mobile: =
++41 78 741 03 22=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A---=0D=0A=0D=0AWindows NT crashed.=
I'm your blue screen of death. =0D=0A=0D=0ANobody hears your screams=
Subject: New TeX release (old style release)
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:37:34 +0100
The TeX release @ (and not
texgs, grrr) has been updated. Here are the file names for downloading:
Subject: printing postscript
From: "V. Vatsal" <vatsal at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:56:56 -0800
Hi all,
Is there any quick way to print postscript files in OS X without converting
to PDF first? This method is painfully slow with a large papers using PK
fonts. Eg, I have a 110 page paper which has been at the "processing job"
stage for about 10 mins, and it's still not done.
-- Nike V.
Vinayak Vatsal
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z2
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "Jerry Wilcox" <Jerry.Wilcox at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 10:39:28 -0800
>Hi all,
>Is there any quick way to print postscript files in OS X without
>converting to PDF first? This method is painfully slow with a large
>papers using PK fonts. Eg, I have a 110 page paper which has been at
>the "processing job" stage for about 10 mins, and it's still not
Well, if you have OzTeX installed, you should just be able to
double-click on the postscript document and OzTeX will launch and
send the document to the printer you have OzTeX configured for. Very
quick and easy, I find (although not quite as easy as just dropping
the postscript document on the desktop printer as we could do in
earlier Mac OS versions.
Jerry Wilcox - University of California, Office of the President
Information Systems & Computing -- 510-987-0516 -- FAX 510-763-5597
Manager, Payroll System Maintenance
mailto:Jerry.Wilcox at
"Within the computer industry, the description, 'more like a Macintosh'
is always a high praise. The description 'more like Windows' is rarely
used as praise." -The Seattle Times
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "Jon Guyer" <jguyer at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:38:17 -0500
At 9:56 AM -0800 3/15/02, V. Vatsal wrote:
>Is there any quick way to print postscript files in OS X without
>converting to PDF first?
man Print
Jonathan E. Guyer
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "V. Vatsal" <vatsal at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:02:26 -0800
I tried "man print":
[nimbus:~] vvatsal% man print
man: no entry for print in the manual.
[nimbus:~] vvatsal%
Does this mean I have to add some lpr functionality to the system? Where
can I find the appropriate package?
--On Friday, March 15, 2002 1:38 PM -0500 Jon Guyer <jguyer at> wrote:
> At 9:56 AM -0800 3/15/02, V. Vatsal wrote:
>> Is there any quick way to print postscript files in OS X without
>> converting to PDF first?
> man Print
> --
> Jonathan E. Guyer
> <>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Vinayak Vatsal
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z2
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "Jon Guyer" <jguyer at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 14:12:27 -0500
At 11:02 AM -0800 3/15/02, V. Vatsal wrote:
>I tried "man print":
I said "man Print".
Jonathan E. Guyer
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "V. Vatsal" <vatsal at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:14:28 -0800
So you did. Sometimes I forget I'm running UNIX. :)
--On Friday, March 15, 2002 2:12 PM -0500 Jon Guyer <jguyer at> wrote:
> At 11:02 AM -0800 3/15/02, V. Vatsal wrote:
>> I tried "man print":
> I said "man Print".
> --
> Jonathan E. Guyer
> <>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Vinayak Vatsal
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z2
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 20:15:15 +0100
> Does this mean I have to add some lpr functionality to the system? Where
> can I find the appropriate package?
I think you've got lpr (for printers addressed to by IP numbers) and
atprint (for AppleTalk printers) installed as parts of Mac OS X.
Otherwise if you're not worried by running Classic, there's still
BareBones' drag-and-drop utility Drop PS
Bruno Voisin
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "Frank STENGEL" <fstengel at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 19:46:54 +0000
Le vendredi 15 mars 2002, à 07:02 , V. Vatsal a écrit :
> I tried "man print":
Erm, it's man Print, not man print. Note the capital letter ;-) Works a
By the way, just to know, why Print and not print?
Frank STENGEL (fstengel at
(fstengel at
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] printing postscript
From: "Travis Beals" <trbeals at>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 10:25:58 -0800
I've noticed that LaTeX-generated PDFs seem to print very slowly on my
inkjet (Lexmark Z22). I'm not sure whether the same is also true of
other PDFs, as I don't print that often.
I have a PB 550MHz, and yet printing in OS X on this machine seems far
slower than printing was on my old 233 iMac under OS 9. Anybody know why?
V. Vatsal: are you printing to a PostScript or an inkjet printer? If
it's postscript, you may be able to use lpr from the command line.
On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 09:56 AM, V. Vatsal wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there any quick way to print postscript files in OS X without
> converting to PDF first? This method is painfully slow with a large
> papers using PK fonts. Eg, I have a 110 page paper which has been at
> the "processing job" stage for about 10 mins, and it's still not done.
> Thanks.
> -- Nike V.
> -------------
> Vinayak Vatsal
> Department of Mathematics
> University of British Columbia
> Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z2
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
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End of MacOSX-TeX Digest
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