MacOSX-TeX Digest #274 - 03/25/02
TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List
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Mon Mar 25 20:00:01 EST 2002
MacOSX-TeX Digest #274 - Monday, March 25, 2002
Re: [OS X TeX] metapost using pdflatex
by "Arun Mangalam" <arun_mangalam at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Help: Mathtime
by "Rick Zaccone" <zaccone at>
new OzTeX app
by "Andrew Trevorrow" <andrew at>
Re: Mathtime
by "Alun J. Carr" <alun.j.carr at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Search for pdf editor
by "Costa Colbert" <colbert at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Help: Mathtime
by "Takanori Uchiyama" <uchiyama at>
epstopdf (2.8draft)
by "Dr. Paul Fons" <paul-fons at>
working around Illustrator bugs (was Re: [OS X TeX] epstopdf (2.8draft))
by "William Adams" <wadams at>
Adding formats to TeXShop
by "Gérard Degrez" <degrez at>
Re: [OS X TeX] metapost using pdflatex
by "Arun Mangalam" <arun_mangalam at>
working around Illustrator bugs (was Re: [OS X TeX] epstopdf (2.8draft))
by "Ullrich Steiner" <u.steiner at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
by "Oscar Chávez" <oc918 at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
by "Oscar Chávez" <oc918 at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
by "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Re: [OS X TeX] epstopdf (2.8draft)
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Re: [OS X TeX] Help: Mathtime
by "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] metapost using pdflatex
From: "Arun Mangalam" <arun_mangalam at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 08:56:14 -0500
[Somehow my original message was return so here goes again ...]
Hello Joseph,
A simple search with Google for ConTeXt and TeX would lead to many
valuable links, including one to a nice site by Berend de Boer
introducing ConTeXt to LaTeX users
Many links within are useful, as well as direct links to the makers of
ConTeXt, Pragma
That site will provide a lot of documentation, examples, and a very
valuable mailing-list in which people are very helpful. Try it...
Anyway, to use the sample I provided is to replace that Escher jpeg
name, "escher_ascending", with some other jpeg you have. Save that TeX
file, and run the ConTeXt command that TeXShop provides. Can't get any
easier that with Koch et al.'s excellent TeXShop package. Of course, you
have to be using Gerben's well-made teTeX package.
Good luck. And next time, try searching a little. You might find
something relevant. :)
- Arun
% Cut this into a TeX file for TeXShop
\startMPclip{text clip}
clip currentpicture to fullcircle shifted (.5,.5)
xscaled \width yscaled \height ;
\startuseMPgraphic{clip outline}
draw fullcircle
xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight
withpen pencircle scaled 3mm
withcolor .625red ;
[clip outline]
[\useMPgraphic{clip outline}]
[background=clip outline,offset=overlay,frame=off]
[nx=1,ny=1,mp=text clip]
% Stop Cut
On Saturday, March 23, 2002, at 05:23 PM, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
> Obviously I'm missing something, because I'm not finding much of
> anything in the way of documentation. If you have a simple example of
> how to make a standalone PDF (or eps for that matter!), I could
> probably make use of it. However, I have no idea of how ConTeXt fits
> into anything because I can't find a manual. Does it replace LaTeX?
> Does it replace the interface to MP? For now I'll have to just deal
> with non-stand alone .mps files. I know this can't be that hard, but
> without the document that says how it works, I'm dead in the water.
> However, the change the extension to .mps and use it directly in
> pdflatex is probably good enough.
> Thanks,
> Joe
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Help: Mathtime
From: "Rick Zaccone" <zaccone at>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 08:20:09 -0500 (EST)
>I am using LaTeX and TeXShop. I used the line \usepackage{times} and the
>text was set in times as anticipated. I used the line
>\usepackage{times,mathtime} with text and mathematics --- again the text
>was set in times but the mathematical symbols were missing. I have since
>learned that the mathtime font set must be purchased from Y&Y tex. I
>have two questions:
You can use \usepackage{times,mathptmx} and get an approximation to
>1) Is it an easy matter to install these mathtime fonts for use with
>PdfTeX and TeXShop?
I would like to figure out how to install Bluesky Mathtime fonts. If
anyone has figured this out, please post instructions.
Subject: new OzTeX app
From: "Andrew Trevorrow" <andrew at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 23:53:18 +1100
I've uploaded a new OzTeX app (version 5.0a2): [404K]
Just replace the OzTeX app in your 5.0a folder.
Changes to OzTeX 5.0a:
* Fixed a bug handling "|" in config file comment lines (%...) and message
lines (@...). Also, lines containing only spaces/tabs are now ignored
(they used to generate a rather confusing error message).
* OzTeX now saves the drop_tex/dvi/ps lists before a drop.config/foo.config
file is loaded and restores the lists after the dropped file is processed.
Any drop_tex/dvi/ps settings in these config files are thus temporary, so
there is no possibility of an unexpected task list being activated when
a different file is dropped.
I've tested this last change and it seems to work very well, but please let
me know if you have any problems with the new approach.
Here's an example of the sort of thing you can do. In the :TeX:Docs:LaTeX:
folder I've added a drop.config file containing this line:
drop_ps = "unix,epstopdf %f; open -a Preview %b.pdf,x,ps"
If the .eps files in that folder are dropped onto OzTeX then they are
converted to .pdf files and opened in Preview (this only works on OS X
with teTeX+gs installed). Because the drop_ps list has been restored
(to the default task "send") I can safely go to another folder, drop
a .ps file onto OzTeX and have it sent to my printer.
Subject: Re: Mathtime
From: "Alun J. Carr" <alun.j.carr at>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 10:35:07 +0000
Mark William Bannar-Martin <mbannar-martin at> wrote:
> I am using LaTeX and TeXShop. I used the line \usepackage{times} and the
> text was set in times as anticipated. I used the line
> \usepackage{times,mathtime} with text and mathematics --- again the text
> was set in times but the mathematical symbols were missing. I have since
> learned that the mathtime font set must be purchased from Y&Y tex. I
> have two questions:
> 1) Is it an easy matter to install these mathtime fonts for use with
> PdfTeX and TeXShop?
> 2) Is it an easy matter to use these mathtime fonts to label Adobe
> Illustrator diagrams?
> Any advice on the limitations or advantages of times and mathtime would
> be most welcome. I am looking for a font-mathfont combination with a
> heavier weight than CM. Suggestions on other font combinations would be
> appreciated.
A free alternative, which isn't _perfect_, but which works pretty well, is:
This is present by default in the teTeX distribution for TeXShop.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Search for pdf editor
From: "Costa Colbert" <colbert at>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 16:23:36 -0600
Correct, it doesn't yet support OS X, apparently Adobe has not yet
released the developers information for plugins.
I have had very little success with Pitstop. I actually maintain a 3.3
Nextstep machine to keep Tailor alive. The ENFOCUS folks seem unable to
understand that their new products seem greatly inferior to their old. A
real shame.
Costa Colbert
On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 11:15 PM, Adrian Heathcote wrote:
> Philip
> In addition to Acrobat 5 there is a product from ENFOCUS called Pitstop
> 5.0 professional. It will edit pdfs---but like Acrobat 5 it costs. I'm
> also not sure how independent of Distiller it is, and that, as you
> note, has not been carbonised.
> Adrian Heathcote
> On Thursday, March 21, 2002, at 03:55 AM, Lucien Lemmens wrote:
>>> pneukom asked:
>>>> I have modified and added comments to pdfs using Acrobat 4 (Classic),
>>> AFAIK, Adobe Acrobat, the full version, the product formerly known as
>>> Exchange is the only thing which will do this.
>>>> and
>>>> delete or rearrange content using Canvas 8 (Carbon). Unfortunately,
>>>> Canvas' pdf filter is broken and doesn't have the ability to re-flow
>>> text,
>>> That's a limitation of .pdf---it precisely places text, and loses the
>>> concept of paragraph. Although in NeXTstep was able to do
>>> this with .ps files, that capability has been lost, unless it's
>>> preserved in OneVision's program(s),
>>>> and add highlights.
>>> That's annotation
>>>> I don't feel like upgrading to Acrobat 5 until it is
>>>> completely Carbonized.
>>> We're all waiting on that, but I'm not holding my breath.
>>> William
>> I am using at present Acrobat 5 under OSX and except for a few things
>> ( indexing and html-exporting with a plug in) everything works,
>> especially annotations. The indexing is no problem for files on the
>> hard disk because the indexing capabilities of Sherlock are organized
>> in a different way such that single folders can be indexed. (The
>> shortcoming is that I do not know how the index can be transferred to
>> CD-rom)
>> L Lemmens
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> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Help: Mathtime
From: "Takanori Uchiyama" <uchiyama at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:35:50 +0900 (JST)
From: Mark William Bannar-Martin <mbannar-martin at>
Subject: [OS X TeX] Help: Mathtime
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 10:27:06 -0800
> 1) Is it an easy matter to install these mathtime fonts for use with
> PdfTeX and TeXShop?
I have not tried yet but I think that it is easy.
> 2) Is it an easy matter to use these mathtime fonts to label Adobe
> Illustrator diagrams?
Yes, but you have to install MathTime fonts of Mac OS version, too.
Illustrator can not handle fonts embedded in EPS or PDF files. I
think that it is not so smart to install both PFB format fonts for TeX
and Mac OS fonts for Illustrator. But I don't have any other ways.
By the way, if you want to use aonther Times base math package,
TXFONTS, with Illustrator, you also install Mac OS version TXFONTS. I
converted PFB fonts in TXFONTS to Mac OS fonts with Fontographer but
they have different PostScript names from those of the original ones
because the original TXFONTS have PostScript names which does not
follow Adobe PostScript naming convention. If you converted the
original fonts as they have, you would have some confliciton of font
names. So, I changed the PostScript names.
Subject: epstopdf (2.8draft)
From: "Dr. Paul Fons" <paul-fons at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 10:09:27 +0900
In order to get around the MediaBox bug of Illustrator X (it sets the
image size to A4 as opposed to the artwork), I have been saving my
artwork as a eps file from Illustrator and then using epstopdf (teTeX
flavor - version 2.8draft). This works (sort of). I find I can open
the files in Acrobat and display them correctly. When I attempt to read
the files back into Illustrator again, however, all of the line widths
are increase by a factor of 10 (e.g. 1.5 point width becomes 15 point).
This makes for some interesting variations in my original artwork, but
is not particularly useful for the presentation I had in mind (I still
don't want to use powerpoint -- it has its own problems). Any ideas of
workarounds for this issue -- a new version perhaps? Also does anyone
know to whom this bug should be reported? I doubt it is Adobe's
problem -- pdf files saved by Illustrator can be modified and saved and
Acrobat and reimported without problem. All I really want to do is to
work around the MediaBox problem in a simple manner, if possible,
preserving the ability to further edit the files in Illustrator. Any
Dr. Paul Fons
Senior Research Scientist
National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Optoelectronics Institute
Energy Electronics Institute
Umezono 1-1-1
Tsukuba, Ibaraki
JAPAN 305-8568
paul-fons at
lines below are in Japanese:
Subject: working around Illustrator bugs (was Re: [OS X TeX] epstopdf (2.8draft))
From: "William Adams" <wadams at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 11:18:50 -0500
paul-fons asked:
(re: lineweights in Illustrator ballooning by a factor of 10)
>Any ideas of
>workarounds for this issue -- a new version perhaps?
- Turn off the checkbox for scaling lineweight
- scale to 1,000% of current size
- turn on scale lineweight
- scale to 10% (returning to the original size)
et voila!
William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Subject: Adding formats to TeXShop
From: "Gérard Degrez" <degrez at>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:42:00 +0100
I have created an MLTeX enabled pdflatex format. To use it, I can of
course replace the available pdflatex.fmt by this one (which doesn't
harm anyway), but I was wondering how I could possibly use it from
the TeXShop interface under another name (say pdfmllatex.fmt) while
keeping the standard pdflatex.fmt.
Gérard Degrez
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] metapost using pdflatex
From: "Arun Mangalam" <arun_mangalam at>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 15:10:22 -0500
A simple search with Google for ConTeXt and TeX would lead to many
valuable links, including one to a nice site by Berend de Boer
introducing ConTeXt to LaTeX users
Many links within are useful, as well as direct links to the makers of
ConTeXt, Pragma
That site will provide a lot of documentation, examples, and a very
valuable mailing-list in which people are very helpful. Try it...
Anyway, to use the sample I provided is to replace that Escher jpeg name
with some other jpeg you have. Save that TeX file, and run the ConTeXt
command that TeXShop provides. Can't get any easier that with Koch et
al.'s excellent TeXShop package. Of course, you have to be using
Gerben's well-made teTeX package.
Good luck. And next time, try searching a little. You might find
something relevant. :)
- Arun
On Saturday, March 23, 2002, at 05:23 PM, Joseph C. Slater wrote:
> Obviously I'm missing something, because I'm not finding much of
> anything in the way of documentation. If you have a simple example of
> how to make a standalone PDF (or eps for that matter!), I could
> probably make use of it. However, I have no idea of how ConTeXt fits
> into anything because I can't find a manual. Does it replace LaTeX?
> Does it replace the interface to MP? For now I'll have to just deal
> with non-stand alone .mps files. I know this can't be that hard, but
> without the document that says how it works, I'm dead in the water.
> However, the change the extension to .mps and use it directly in
> pdflatex is probably good enough.
> Thanks,
> Joe
Subject: working around Illustrator bugs (was Re: [OS X TeX] epstopdf (2.8draft))
From: "Ullrich Steiner" <u.steiner at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:33:59 +0100
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;
if I understand you correctly, the problem is that Illustrator doe no
set the pdf bounding box correctly.
There are two work arounds:
1. when in Illustrator. do "select all" and open the Info window that
shows you the size of the selected object. Then open Document Setup and
type in the width and height values from the Info window. Finally move
your graphics into the bounding box. Not elegant and somewhat
cumbersome, but works.
2. Save you Illustrator graphics as pdf, open with Acrobat and do "crop
pages". Works also, but requires that you have to switch between
Illustrator and Acrobat a lot.
On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 02:09 AM, Dr. Paul Fons wrote:
> In order to get around the MediaBox bug of Illustrator X (it sets the
> image size to A4 as opposed to the artwork), I have been saving my
> artwork as a eps file from Illustrator and then using epstopdf (teTeX
> flavor - version 2.8draft). This works (sort of). I find I can open
> the files in Acrobat and display them correctly. When I attempt to
> read the files back into Illustrator again, however, all of the line
> widths are increase by a factor of 10 (e.g. 1.5 point width becomes 15
> point). This makes for some interesting variations in my original
> artwork, but is not particularly useful for the presentation I had in
> mind (I still don't want to use powerpoint -- it has its own
> problems). Any ideas of workarounds for this issue -- a new version
> perhaps? Also does anyone know to whom this bug should be reported? I
> doubt it is Adobe's problem -- pdf files saved by Illustrator can be
> modified and saved and Acrobat and reimported without problem. All I
> really want to do is to work around the MediaBox problem in a simple
> manner, if possible, preserving the ability to further edit the files
> in Illustrator. Any suggestions?
> Dr. Paul Fons
> Senior Research Scientist
> National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
> Optoelectronics Institute
> Energy Electronics Institute
> Umezono 1-1-1
> Tsukuba, Ibaraki
> JAPAN 305-8568
> paul-fons at
> lines below are in Japanese:
> $B")(B305-8568$B0q>k8)$D$/$P;TG_1`(B1-1-1
> $B<gG$8&5f41%]!<%k!&%U%)%s%9(B
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <info at> with
> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
> For additional HELP, send email to <info at> with
> "help" (no quotes) in the body.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Ullrich Steiner
Department of Polymer Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
NL-9747AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-50-363-7888
Fax: +31-50-363-4400
e-mail: mailto:u.steiner at
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/enriched;
if I understand you correctly, the problem is that Illustrator doe no
set the pdf bounding box correctly.
There are two work arounds:
1. when in Illustrator. do "select all" and open the Info window that
shows you the size of the selected object. Then open Document Setup
and type in the width and height values from the Info window. Finally
move your graphics into the bounding box. Not elegant and somewhat
cumbersome, but works.
2. Save you Illustrator graphics as pdf, open with Acrobat and do
"crop pages". Works also, but requires that you have to switch
between Illustrator and Acrobat a lot.
On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 02:09 AM, Dr. Paul Fons wrote:
<excerpt> In order to get around the MediaBox bug of Illustrator X (it
sets the image size to A4 as opposed to the artwork), I have been
saving my artwork as a eps file from Illustrator and then using
epstopdf (teTeX flavor - version 2.8draft). This works (sort of). I
find I can open the files in Acrobat and display them correctly. When
I attempt to read the files back into Illustrator again, however, all
of the line widths are increase by a factor of 10 (e.g. 1.5 point
width becomes 15 point). This makes for some interesting variations
in my original artwork, but is not particularly useful for the
presentation I had in mind (I still don't want to use powerpoint -- it
has its own problems). Any ideas of workarounds for this issue -- a
new version perhaps? Also does anyone know to whom this bug should be
reported? I doubt it is Adobe's problem -- pdf files saved by
Illustrator can be modified and saved and Acrobat and reimported
without problem. All I really want to do is to work around the
MediaBox problem in a simple manner, if possible, preserving the
ability to further edit the files in Illustrator. Any suggestions?
Dr. Paul Fons
Senior Research Scientist
National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Optoelectronics Institute
Energy Electronics Institute
Umezono 1-1-1
Tsukuba, Ibaraki
JAPAN 305-8568
paul-fons at
lines below are in Japanese:
<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>$B")(B305-8568$B0q>k8)$D$/$P;TG_1`(B1-1-1
To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to <<info at> with
"unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body.
For additional HELP, send email to <<info at> with
"help" (no quotes) in the body.
Ullrich Steiner
Department of Polymer Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
NL-9747AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-50-363-7888
Fax: +31-50-363-4400
e-mail: mailto:u.steiner at
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
From: "Oscar Chávez" <oc918 at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 12:54:44 -0600
On Sunday, March 24, 2002, at 04:35 AM, Alun J. Carr wrote:
> A free alternative, which isn't _perfect_, but which works pretty well,
> is:
> \usepackage{times,mathptm}
What is the difference between mathpm and mathpmx? I just tried the latter,
and it seems to work just fine.
Oscar Chávez
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
From: "Oscar Chávez" <oc918 at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 13:00:50 -0600
I meant mathptm and mathptmx.
On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 12:54 PM, Oscar Chavez wrote:
> What is the difference between mathpm and mathpmx? I just tried the
> latter, and it seems to work just fine.
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: Mathtime
From: "Bruno Voisin" <Bruno.Voisin at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:30:17 +0100
Le lundi 25 mars 2002, à 08:00 PM, Oscar Chávez a écrit :
> I meant mathptm and mathptmx.
> On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 12:54 PM, Oscar Chavez wrote:
>> What is the difference between mathpm and mathpmx? I just tried the
>> latter, and it seems to work just fine.
I think mathptm builds virtual math fonts from a combination of Times
Italic and Symbol, while mathptmx builds virtual math fonts from a
combination of Times Italic and Computer Modern.
The latest version of PSNFSS says mathptm is obsolete and should always
be replaced by mathptmx, since Symbol has no italic characters. I tend
to disagree with this, and I prefer to stick with either everything
Computer Modern or everything Times/Courier/Helvetica/Symbol, as I find
the mixture of Computer Modern and Times/Courier/Helvetica aesthetically
less pleasant than upright Symbol characters.
In any case a problem still remains with bold math characters, and to
get these (which most likely you'll need if you have to typeset vector
variables in an applied maths community) you'll have to get the MathTime
Plus package.
Bruno Voisin
PS Re. PSNFSS I couldn't find the documentation in Gerben's teTeX (yes,
Gerben knows this and he forwarded the information to Thomas Esser) and
you'll have to look on CTAN at <
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] epstopdf (2.8draft)
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:42:59 +0100
On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 02:09 , Dr. Paul Fons wrote:
> In order to get around the MediaBox bug of Illustrator X (it sets the
> image size to A4 as opposed to the artwork), I have been saving my
> artwork as a eps file from Illustrator and then using epstopdf (teTeX
> flavor - version 2.8draft). This works (sort of). I find I can open
> the files in Acrobat and display them correctly. When I attempt to
> read the files back into Illustrator again, however, all of the line
> widths are increase by a factor of 10 (e.g. 1.5 point width becomes 15
> point). This makes for some interesting variations in my original
> artwork, but is not particularly useful for the presentation I had in
> mind (I still don't want to use powerpoint -- it has its own
> problems). Any ideas of workarounds for this issue -- a new version
> perhaps?
Of Illustrator? Anyway, if reading them back in Illustrator fails, what
about other apps on Mac OS X that read PDF. Do they display it OK? In
that case, it may be another Illustrator bug.
> Also does anyone know to whom this bug should be reported?
To me.
I will need an example file as well as illustrations (e.g. grab screen
parts) on how it looks and how it should look.
> I doubt it is Adobe's problem -- pdf files saved by Illustrator can be
> modified and saved and Acrobat and reimported without problem. All I
> really want to do is to work around the MediaBox problem in a simple
> manner, if possible, preserving the ability to further edit the files
> in Illustrator. Any suggestions?
Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Help: Mathtime
From: "Gerben Wierda" <sherlock at>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 12:49:21 +0100
On Sunday, March 24, 2002, at 11:16 , Siep wrote:
> I am pretty sure that you merely need to drop the pfb's into an
> appropriate place in a temf tree, i.e. under a fonts/type1. Thomas
> Esser's
> texmf tree has MathTime support preinstalled, including mapfile entries.
> The only thing missing is the actual pfb's. And I seem to recall that
> Gerben's texmf trees include the one from Thomas.
That is correct. And if there is a way to automatically generate them at
install time from what is available on the system, just tell me how and
I'll add that functionality (after my new distribution scheme has been
End of MacOSX-TeX Digest
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