[OS X TeX] New TeX/ghostscript release, no changes in TeX/ghostscript

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Fri May 10 07:24:07 EDT 2002

I have released a new version of i-Installer.app (1.0d) in preparation 
for a larger change. Together with this release, I have re-released the 
i-Installer i-Packages TeX.dmg (TeX-fat.dmg amd TeX-thin.dmg).

None of the actual contents of the packages has changed in terms of TeX 
or ghostscript (or at least, not that I know of as all of it is more or 
less built in an automatic fashion). Only the packaging has changed 

Nonetheless, it would of course be a good idea if people download and 

http://www.rna.nl/tex.html for TeX/ghostscript
http://www.rna.nl/ii.html for i-Installer.app


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