[OS X TeX] Authentication, prvileges, users
Gerben Wierda
sherlock at rna.nl
Thu May 16 09:11:23 EDT 2002
Let me add to this to make it more clear:
(Welcome to Unix)
When you log in as yourself (not as 'root' or 'System Administrator')
you do not have System Administrator priviliges, even if this is an
account that is allowed to do System Administration (like the first
account created on an OS X machine). Any normal account that may do
System Administration does not have the privileges, but it can *acquire*
them. This is why you have to enter a password when you change system
settings, use Installer, etc. But as long as you have not been asked for
that password, you are just an ordinary user.
On Mac OS X (unix) there are 'users' and 'groups'. The System
Administrator is user 'root'. All the ordinary accounts that are allowed
to do System Administration work are member of the group 'wheel'.
Members of the group wheel, may (temporary) be granted 'root'
privileges. This is what happens when you enter your password on an
authentication panel. It is even true that the system at the time that
you acquire these privileges remembers who you really are (unless the
software instructs the system to forget about that).
Suppose you are logged in as gerben. In a Terminal window you can go to
directory /usr/local and see what the permissions are:
% cd /usr/local
% ls -al
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 18 root wheel 1024 May 15 11:23 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 root wheel 1024 May 15 20:28 ..
drwxr-xr-x 35 root wheel 1146 Jan 24 10:47 bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 264 Oct 27 2001 lib
drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 264 Apr 27 04:32 man
drwxr-xr-x 18 root admin 568 May 10 17:12 teTeX
You are currently user gerben and you belong to several groups, amongst
others 'wheel'. The characters above say that /usr/local is owned by
user root and group wheel. It says: drwxr-xr-x. That means
d = it is a directory
Then follow three sets of three characters. First for the owner, than
for group members and then for everybody else.
The user set is "rwx", which means that the owner root may read, write
and execute.
The group set is "r-x", which means that the members of group wheel may
read and execute, but not write
The rest set is "r-x" as well, which means that everybody else may read
and execute, but not write
As long as you are gerben.wheel, you cannot write. When you
authenticate, you become root.wheel and you may write.
To complicate things, some tools check not against your authenticated
status, but stubbornly use your 'real' identity. To illustrate, I enter
the following commands here (sudo is used to authenticate as root, it
will ask for a Password which remains valid for a few minutes):
1. I run the 'whoami' command, it tells me I am gerben
2. I run the 'whoami' command authenticated as root through the sudo
command, it tells me I am root
3. I run the 'who' command with the arguments "am i", it tells me I am
4. I run the 'who' command authenticated as root through the sudo
command with the arguments "am i", it tells me I am gerben
[dumbledore:/usr] gerben% whoami
[dumbledore:/usr] gerben% sudo whoami
[dumbledore:/usr] gerben% who am i
gerben ttyp4 May 16 09:06
[dumbledore:/usr] gerben% sudo who am i
gerben ttyp4 May 16 09:06
Which means that 'whoami' tells me what my 'effective' identity is,
which has changed after authentication. But the 'who' command tells me
what my 'real' identity is, which does not change. So you can imagine
what happens with several commands when it is not clear what identity is
used. The weirdest things may happen when your 'effective' identity and
your 'real' identity differ. I have had several problems, both with
TeXGSInstaller and i-Installer. For instance, when running as 'effective
identity' root but 'real identity' gerben, Cocoa would use 'root' as the
basis for file permissions and ownership but it would use 'gerben' as
the basis for file locations, resulting in root-owned files in gerben's
~/Library directory which were then unusable by gerben. In fact, most of
Cocoa is not 'setuid-safe'. When you run with effective identity root
and real identity, Cocoa will for instance report that you may not write
a certain file that is writable by root but not by ordinary users. This
is in fact not true, because when you actually try to write the file,
you will succeed.
The behaviour of most programs and functions are pretty well set, so you
know normally what you're getting in to, but it is not always very
logical which identity is used and it differs for many tools. this is
why my installers set the real identity equal to the effective identity
when they do things authenticated, that minimizes the possible confusion
and conflicts.
On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 12:57 , Gerben Wierda wrote:
> On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 08:15 , Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> Hello Gerben,
>> I attempted to install the first two i-Packages (using "Open URL...")
>> and got the following error messages:
>> ### bzip2.pre_install: Cannot write in directories
>> /usr/local/{bin,lib,include,man/man1}. Bailing out...
>> Task terminated with status 1
>> ### libpng.pre_install: Cannot write in directories
>> /usr/local/{bin,lib,include}. Bailing out...
>> Task terminated with status 1
> You are supposed to have write access in those directories. I you have
> not, you need to install the package as someone who has (e.g. System
> Administrator). You can do that by either logging in as root (if you
> have that account enabled) or use Pseudo.app to start i-Installer. Or
> you can make sure that you have write access in /usr/local, for
> instance by modifying it so that you have write access for the group.
> The packages itself do not require authentication, but they do need
> write access in /usr/local or subdirectories thereof.
> As long as Apple does not upgrade it's Security Framework I am caught
> in a difficult position. If I use the framework to enable people to
> authenticate at will, I lose the possibility to interact with the
> installation process (e.g. aborting it). I also lose the possibility to
> handle normal output and error messages separately. Hence the
> 'authenticating dedicated installers' which let you authenticate and
> replace themselves with an authenticated copy. It is ugly and not the
> best solution, security policy wise (you could accidentally leave an
> app running with admin privileges), but I need fixes to the Security
> Framework before I can do it 'right'.
> Gerben
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