[OS X TeX] Using Bibdesk for a bibliography
Martin Stokhof
stokhof at hum.uva.nl
Thu Oct 17 11:53:48 EDT 2002
Assuming your new to LaTeX and BiBTeX, here is the routine (if you're
not, and your problem is due to something else, please excuse me for
giving these elementary instructions):
1. your file should contain:
- the command \bibliographystyle{**some style**} after the
\begin{document} command [note that some styled required an additional
.sty file to be included via \usepackage in order for the local
references to come out right; others, such as the plain style, don't]
- the command \bibliography{**name of your .bib file**} where you want
the bibliography to occur, usually right before the \end{document}
- \cite commands for the individuals references; note that you can
make non-referenced items appear by meanns of the \nocite{} command
- typeset the file with TeXShop's LaTeX-command: shift-command-L
- run BibTeX on it with TeXShop's BiBTeX-command: shift-command-B
[make sure the .bib file is in the same folder as the file you're
typesetting; there are other ways to make sure that BiBTeX is able to
find the .bib file, but this works always]
- type-set the file once more: now the bibliography should appear
- type-set again: now the references in the text shoulds be there
Hope this helps,
On Thursday, Oct 17, 2002, at 17:23 Europe/Amsterdam, Stephan Hochhaus
> OK, I think I have figured out pretty much all there is to know for a
> first time Mac LaTeX user, but I cannot get a bibliography done.
> I used Bibdesk to enter all my books and articles and saved it as a
> file called rhetoric.bib. I also tried to get it into my Texshop
> document using \include and \begin{thebibliography}, but nothing
> worked.
> Can anyone point me to a solution how to create a bibliography out of
> a bib file using texshop?
> Thanks!
> Stephan
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<x-flowed>On Montag, Mai 14, 2001, at 04:27 Uhr, Michael Murray wrote:
> I use TeXShop. I am using it for productivity things. I guess I have
> never used any of the structures features of Alpha and have
> never used emacs so I tend to
> start with a standard pro-forma and I either remember or look
> up latex constructions I need. I like it.
.. same for me here: TeXShop is great, though i have some small things
still on my wishh-list
like customizable keyboard shortcuts as in Textures, for example, or
making the "Tags" automatically detect LaTeX section structures..
(and i know richard koch is listening to this list, so maybe there is a
chance? ;-)
-- thanks for writing TeX Shop, by the way!)
cheers, martin.
Martin A. Bauer WWW : http://www.macintum.de
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