[OS X TeX] TeXShop 'personal script' for MusiXTeX - help!

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Sep 11 20:16:45 EDT 2002

I am no expert on 'scripts' but my personal script for TeXShop is just 
the line

pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode

inserted in preferences. Hence, I suggest that a similar command might 
work in your case.


On Mittwoch, September 11, 2002, at 06:41  Uhr, soda beverage mail 
service wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to write a "personal script" for TeXShop that will let me 
> use it
> for processing MusiXTeX files
> (http://icking-music-archive.sunsite.dk/software/indexmt6.html).  
> Using MusiXTeX
> on the command line works fine -- it's a three-pass process that looks 
> like
> this (musixflx is an executable that comes with MusiXTeX):
> pdftex myfile.tex
> musixflx myfile.tex
> pdftex myfile.tex
> I really like TeXShop's syntax colouring as I'm still rather new at 
> all this,
> so I tried setting musixflx as my "personal script"; in that case, if 
> I use
> the Typeset window to switch back and forth between "Pdftex" and 
> "Personal
> Script", everything works great.  What I'd really like, though, is to 
> write a
> single "personal script" that accomplishes all three passes.  However, 
> I've
> now tried writing a perl script do to this and am having trouble 
> understanding
> what TeXShop expects from a "personal script". Is it not just passing 
> the name
> of the .tex file as an argument?  If so, shouldn't my script (below) 
> work?
> The script works fine if I use it on the command line.
> In TeXShop, in both cases, the console comes up blank and no output 
> file is
> generated (my script doesn't seem to be called at all).  The script 
> file is
> definitely in my path (it's in the same directory as musixflx which, 
> as I said,
> works fine).
> Any help on this would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Dan Friedman
> musixtex.pl (expects tex file name as an arg; "musixtex.pl myfile.tex" 
> works
> fine from the command line):
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> cmd("pdftex", $ARGV[0]);
> cmd("musixflx", $ARGV[0]);
> cmd("pdftex", $ARGV[0]);
> sub cmd {
> 	my ($cmd, $file) = @_;
>     print STDERR "\n'$cmd $file'...\n";
>     open CMD, "$cmd $file 2>&1 |"
>             or die "Uh-oh: $!";
>     while (<CMD>) {
>     	print STDERR "$_";
> 	}
>     print STDERR "\n...finished '$cmd $file'.\n";
> }
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Claus Gerhardt
Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 294
69120 Heidelberg

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