[OS X TeX] New command for a larger definite integral
Ross Moore
ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Mon Sep 9 12:35:23 EDT 2002
> Hi group,
> I am using TeXShop and want to define a larger definite integral
> (in-line). The following command does the trick for an indefinite
> integral:
> \newcommand{\bigint}[2]{\displaystyle \int {#1}}.
Why do you need 2 parameters ?
It is sufficient to do
\newcommand{\bigint}{\displaystyle \int}
and use \bigint in exactly the same way as you would use \int .
> But I am unable to put in limits of integration, and I am stumped.
That's easy: \newcommand{\bigint}{\displaystyle \int\limits} .
Indeed, simply using \int\limits may be enough for inline maths.
However, you may need to be careful about how close the line gets
to lines above and below in the same paragraph. That will look ugly,
unless you have only the one line.
> Probably something really simple, but I would appreciate any help.
Yes. \limits applies also to thing like \sum and \prod .
> Thanks
Hope this helps,
Ross Moore
> tom vawter
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