[OS X TeX] Accent bug with times
Bruno Voisin
Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Fri Sep 20 06:38:03 EDT 2002
Le vendredi, 20 sep 2002, à 12:11 Europe/Paris, Martin Costabel a écrit
> But it is not in the ps file. And it is not in the pdf either, if you
> use ps2pdf from ghostscript version 6. It is definitely a bug in
> ps2pdf from ghostscript 7.
> I am talking about ghostscript 6.01 vs 7.04 here, installed by fink,
> on top of tetex and dvips also installed by fink. So this is not a
> problem of recent tetex and dvips from Gerben Wierda, either.
It seems to be linked also with the PDF version. ps2pdf calls the
script ps2pdf12, which from the PS file produced by TeXShop produces
bad output in PDF 1.2 format. Now if ps2pdf13 is called directly, the
output is correct and in PDF 1.3 format. (I have both scripts in
/usr/local/bin. I installed first gs6, then gs7 on top of it, both
times with Gerben's i-Installer.)
But yes, it is definitely linked with the underlying script
/usr/local/bin/ps2pdfwr, or to gs called by it. I also ran Distiller on
the PS file, asking for both PDF 1.2 and PDF 1.3 outputs, both are
Bruno Voisin
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