[OS X TeX] XeTeX

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Apr 9 17:56:55 EDT 2004

As it may be interesting to some here, I'm forwarding a message I just 
sent to the (private) MacTeX list. Original information came from Bruce 
d'Arcus to whom all credit should be given.

> Bruce d'Arcus wrote:
> > Wow!  Check this out:
> >
> > 
> http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=xetex
> >
> > Written by Jonathan Kew and designed to work with a TeTeX install, it
> > seems to be TeX-GX reborn!
> Thanks for the tip Bruce,
> It is extremely impressive indeed! It seems a fairly complete 
> integration
> of TeX and OS X: native use of Apple font technology in TeX, and also
> direct importation of all graphical format recognized by QuickTime into
> TeX. It is designed to interoperate with TeXShop and Gerben's teTeX, 
> with
> also a command-line interface for the Unix savvy, its installation is
> straightforward (save the ReadMe file displayed while installing the 
> .pkg
> file, it contains the configuration instructions), and it outputs PDF.
> I need to experiment more, see whether the UTF-8 restriction is not
> conflicting with the many Mac OS Roman documents I have, and whether 
> it is
> compatible with standard LaTeX packages (I'm writing a report making
> intensive use and customization of hyperref.sty).
> Another concern: the installation does not seem to create a file 
> telling
> what was installed and where. I found a file
> /Library/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin6.8/xetex, won't it be erased by
> any subsequent reinstall of the TeX i-Package?
> Bruno Voisin

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