[OS X TeX] iTeXMac Synchronicity with AlphaX
Jérôme Laurens
jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr
Thu Apr 15 08:17:49 EDT 2004
Le 15 avr. 04, à 11:28, Geoffrey Vallis a écrit :
> I couldn't get iTeXMac synchronicity with Alphax to work,
> unfortunately.
> It seems to rely (according to iTeXMac support documentation) on
> iTeXMac
> calling a provided script called Alphax, which in turn relies on a tcl
> file aecom.tcl. But the aecom.tcl file isn't in fact available from the
> website listed. More germane, AlphaX (the application) has an improved
> and
> speedier command line interface that does not rely on this; one just
> calls
> 'alphac +%l %f' where %l is the linenumber and %f the filename, and
> alphac
> is a script provided in the AlphaX release that calls the alphaserver.
> This works very well with dvi previewers, like xdvi. This is good news
> for
> the future of synchronicity, if not for the present.
Synchronization from iTeXMac to AlphaX uses a shell script also named
AlphaX shipped with iTM that calls alphac with the correct syntax
Synchronization from AlphaX to iTeXMac relies on a file given by an
Alpha developper to a user (I don't remember exactly) The aecom.tcl
file was expected to be shipped with recent versions of AlphaX, it
might not.
If the synchronization from alphaX to xdvi is now available, it can
certainly be extended to iTeXMac, by customizing the appropriate file.
BTW, this feature was not available in AlphaX when I worked on it, may
be it is now.
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