[OS X TeX] Problems with papersize/columnwidth

Christian Heine christian at geosci.usyd.edu.au
Wed Apr 21 19:55:47 EDT 2004

Dear list members,
I have been submitting a paper for a Geophysical Monograph of the Am. 
Geophysical Union (AGU). As these guys need a hardcopy apart from the 
*.tex and *.eps files, the editor of the book printed the pdf I sent 
along with the rest of the files and found out, that it has a 
columnwidth of 8cm instead of the required 8.5cm (which AGU will 
obviously not accept...).
Have changed my default papersize for TeX to letter for typesetting and 
checked the *.cls and *.sty files - everything seems to be ok and I 
don't use any macros, new commands etc. which could cause problems. The 
PDF was printed on letter paper as well.

Does anybody on this list have any clues of how to fix this or had 
experience with this?
The option(?) would be to convert the the tex file to Word (...) which 
is a royal pain in the ... mostly because of the citations/references.

Grateful for any comments!
Cheers from down under,

Christian Heine
phd student

		USIMIS	|	University of Sydney
				|	Institute of Marine Science
				|	Sydney, Australia

Ph. +61 2 9351 3682
Fax +61 2 9351 0184


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