[OS X TeX] Carbon Emacs settings.

Gilles Serasset Gilles.Serasset at imag.fr
Tue Apr 27 03:17:58 EDT 2004


On 26 avr. 04, at 22:14, Andrea Riciputi wrote:

> [...]
> (concat " if[ " tex-file ".pdf -ot " tex-file ".dvi ]; then dvipdf "
> tex-file ".dvi " tex-file ".pdf ; "
> pdf-previewer-program " " tex-file ".pdf; else "
> pdf-previewer-program " " tex-file ".pdf "))
> the resulting shell script would be:
> if [file.pdf -ot file.dvi]; then dvipdf file.dvi file.pdf; open -a 
> 'Preview' file.pdf; else open -a 'Preview' file.pdf; fi
No, in fact it is:

if[file.pdf -ot file.dvi]; then dvipdf file.dvi file.pdf; open -a 
'Preview' file.pdf; else open -a 'Preview' file.pdf; fi

(without the first space). hence, the [ command is not recognized...

Gilles Sérasset
BP 53 - F-38041 Grenoble Cedex 9
Phone: +33 4 76 51 43 80
Fax:   +33 4 76 44 66 75

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