[OS X TeX] parindent in asparaenum

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Sat Dec 4 13:49:13 EST 2004

Thank you all: my little problem is solved (and I even understood 
Moore's explanation) but each suggestion raised an "academic" question.

(1) I tried Gerhardt's suggestion. At first, I thought there was a typo 
and I wrote
instead of
    \hskip .1in
which he had suggested. Of course, he was right: his works, mine 
doesn't. But what kind of syntax is that? A quick look at  Companion (2 
ed) didn't bring an answer.

(2) I tried Schulz's solution
which of course also works but why is it "a bit more ``LaTeX.''"?

(3) I adopted Moore's solution because by incorporating the line
     \def\indent{\hglue .3cm}%
in the macro I use to set the asparaenum, I will ensure that all my 
"occasional" indents will be the same without having to rely on my 
failing memory. But why the % at the end? It seems to work without it.

(4) And while I am at it, why does \; create a vspace instead of the 
hspace I expected?
Grateful regards

Herb Schulz wrote:

>On 12/3/04 11:49 PM, "Ross Moore" <ross at maths.mq.edu.au> wrote:
>>The TeX concept that unlocks this problem is the distinction between
>>and \hglue .  The former is removeable (e.g. at the beginning of new
>>but the latter is not. LaTeX's \hspace is defined using \hskip, not
>>which is partly why you are having trouble.
>Using \hspace*{} should also work at the beginning/end of a line and is a
>bit more ``LaTeX.''
>Good Luck,
>Herb Schulz
>(herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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