[OS X TeX] Missing symbols after epstopdf

Matthew Collett m.collett at auckland.ac.nz
Thu Jul 15 00:29:13 EDT 2004

On Wednesday, July 14, 2004, at 08:13  pm, Maarten Sneep wrote:

>> I have a number of diagrams in the form of EPS files (produced many 
>> years ago using Freehand).  Labels on these diagrams employ a variety 
>> of fonts, including Times, Computer Modern and Symbol.  After 
>> conversion to PDF using epstopdf, all characters in the Symbol font 
>> are completely missing, whether the picture is viewed as a 
>> stand-alone PDF file or embedded in the PDF produced by TeXShop 
>> (either using TeX+Ghostscript or Pdftex).  Times characters are 
>> always correct; CM characters are replaced by Courier (or similar) 
>> viewed as stand-alone or in the output from TeX+Ghostscript but are 
>> OK in the output from Pdftex.
> How did you include CM in these diagrams?

Er, I guess TeXtures came with Mac versions of the CM fonts.

> I think the font-name is different from anything available on you new 
> machine, and the fonts are not found.

I might believe that for the CM stuff, but that's not really the 
problem, since Pdftex gets it more-or-less right anyway.  It's the 
Symbol font characters that I can't get at all.  There is a 
Symbol.dfont in System/Library/Fonts and in 
teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/fonts there are /afm/adobe/symbol, 
/afm/urw/symbol, /tfm/adobe/symbol, /tfm/cg/symbol and 
/type1/urw/symbol.  Surely at least one of these could be persuaded do 
the job?  I'd be happy to burrow into the .eps files and edit the font 
name if that was what was needed: they currently just say 
"%%DocumentFonts: Symbol ".

> Can you include these diagrams in a ps printout on your old machine? 
> That should take care of the inclusion, and from there on the 
> conversion can be done.
> You could generate a series of single-page ps files (don't forget to 
> remove the number) and use that as a basis for further processing.

Well, it's a possibility, I suppose.  I'd have to include all the fonts 
in the .ps file for there to be any point to the exercise, so they 
would be huge.  And then I would have a bunch of .ps files each with a 
diagram by itself on a vast expanse of empty page.  This is certainly 
doable, if tedious.  But how do I get from there to a .pdf file with 
just the actual (often quite small) diagram?

Matthew Collett

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