[OS X TeX] memoir class, Table questions, position of floats, line numbering

George Ghio ghiog at netconnect.com.au
Fri Jun 11 03:34:20 EDT 2004

While you are on the subject I use the memoir class and am quite fond 
of it. Bit sad lately. Up graded to a new mac and OS10.3. Installed 
from texlive dvd and it works well. Sort of, maybe. Have not been able 
to load the Memoir package.  Tex was installed to


according to query of machine.

Question. where do I put the files for Memoir? Have tried every thing I 
can think of to no avail. Help would be appreciated. TIA

On 11/06/2004, at 12:57 PM, Will Robertson wrote:

> On 11 Jun 2004, at 11:39 AM, Denis Chabot wrote:
>> One first question that comes to my mind is: why does the sample 
>> document use the memoir class, which is not described on most LaTeX 
>> guides? I found a 300 p document on memoir, but before digging into 
>> it (it is not light reading...), I'd like to know if there are 
>> significant advantages over the article class which would make this a 
>> good time investment.
> The memoir class is like an amalgamation of the book class and the 
> article class and a bunch of often-used packages. The reason I 
> recommend it is *because* of the 300 page manual --- note that the 
> first half is typesetting fundamentals, and not specific to 
> typesetting in LaTeX.
> It provides an *integrated* way of customising your document. Rather 
> than with the article class, if you want to change the section 
> heading, you go and find a package that does this, read its manual 
> work out how to use it. Repeat ad nauseum if you want to edit the 
> headers/footers, page margins, table of contents formatting, etc etc.
> Your mileage may vary. If you just want a lightweight class that 
> provides the basics, but all means start off with the article class. 
> It's certainly more simple.
>> I had to make a few tables. I noticed that if you choose the Table 
>> macros in TeXShop, you get the elements of a Table pasted into your 
>> document, and the first line is:
>> \begin{table}[htdp]
>> What does the d do? I only found the description for h, t, b and p, 
>> not d.
>> To continue with Tables, is there a way to merge two cells vertically?
> I didn't know TeXShop came with a table template! Anyway, that d is a 
> typo. You are correct, the only ones you can choose are h t b & p. You 
> can use ! to tell LaTeX to try really hard to do what you want, at a 
> slight expense to good looks.
> Unfortunately, there's no way to merge cells vertically.
>> I had to trim the column headings quite a bit to get a table to fit 
>> within the width of the text. Maybe I could have reduced the font 
>> size (maybe this will be ugly, but I'd like to try). Is there a way 
>> to reduce font size for a whole table? Maybe the same technique would 
>> allow me to make headings of a table bold, but the rest plain, when 
>> journals want this style?
> To make everything smaller, you can use a \small command at the same 
> place as the \centering command. As for styled headers, I'd make a new 
> command in the preamble like \newcommand{\head}[1]{\textbf{#1}} and 
> use that for all of your table headings --- if you ever need to change 
> them all, just edit the command definition to however you like.
>> I found how to center headings that happened to be multicolumn, but 
>> how do you center a column heading when you want the remainder of the 
>> column to be right aligned?
>> Anyway, my tables worked quite well for a first attempt, but I must 
>> say it is slower to make a table this way versus a graphical 
>> interface.
> There is probably a more elegant solution, but this came to mind 
> immediately: (it also shows the bold header thing)
> \documentclass{article}
> \newcommand{\head}[1]{\hfill\textbf{#1}\hfill}
> \usepackage{booktabs}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{table}[htbp]
>    \small
>    \centering
>    \begin{tabular}{@{} llr @{}} % Column formatting, @{} suppresses 
> leading/trailing space
>       \toprule
>       \multicolumn{2}{c}{Item} \\
>       \cmidrule(r){1-2}
>       \head{Animal}    &  Description & Price (\$)\\
>       \midrule
>       Gnat      & per gram & 13.65 \\
>                 & each     &  0.01 \\
>       Gnu       & stuffed  & 92.50 \\
>       Emu       & stuffed  & 33.33 \\
>       Armadillo & frozen   &  8.99 \\
>       \bottomrule
>    \end{tabular}
>    \caption{An example of a table generated with the \textsf{booktabs} 
> package:}
>    \label{tab:booktabs}
> \end{table}
> \end{document}
>> I love not having to worry about where my figures end up (one of my 
>> main beef with Word). But many ended up alone on a page, when I 
>> thought there was enough space for a few lines of text on the same 
>> page. I have a very small sample size, remember, but it looks to me 
>> that text will be placed with my floats only if whole paragraphs can 
>> fit. Is there a way to have parts of paragraph accompany floats on a 
>> page, or if this a behavior that insures better looking document and 
>> I should not mess with it?
> To quote epslatex.pdf:
> <<
> 1. Don’t handcuff LATEX. The more float placement options are given to 
> LATEX, the better it handles float placement. In particular, the 
> [htbp] and [tbp] work well. See Section 16.2.
> 2. Many people find the default float parameters are too restrictive. 
> The following commands
>   \renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.15}
>   \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.85}
>   \renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.65}
>   \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{0.60}
> set the float parameters to more-permissive values. See Section 17.2.
> >>
>> Finally, although I don't need this right now, in biology we often 
>> have to submit documents that have lots of space between the lines 
>> within paragraphs (double interligne in French). It is not pretty, 
>> but journals want the manuscripts that way. How would you do this? 
>> And if the journal also wants line numbers to appear in the left 
>> margin, can this be done with LaTeX?
> For the first, look at
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=linespace
> That something I think I forgot in my sample document. The TeX FAQ 
> *will* have answers to almost anything you have questions about. Find 
> it at the link about.
> For the second:
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=linenos
> Hope that helps!
> Will
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