[OS X TeX] is i-Installer cool?

Aditya Dushyant Trivedi atrivedi2 at student.gsu.edu
Sun May 2 12:03:29 EDT 2004

>• Briefly state the outstanding design features of >your contest entry. 
>(For example: what's unique? what's super cool? what >is particularly 

1) Since TeX is big, you can install only what you want by selecting the packages you wish to.
2) Have the option of installing the packages again and *also* re-configuring them. That in my opinion is a big plus. This helps when you have two packages dependent on each other. No need for any command line stuff.

>Other questions of interest are:

>• Describe your contest entry's target users (i.e. who >uses your 
>product, what is their occupation, work environment, >workflow, etc.)

Target users - Mainly people in the academics and few in the industry. Students, faculty, staff - a wide age group.

>• Explain what you have done to make your contest >entry better on Mac 
>OS X when compared with it's counterparts or >competition on other 

Havent used any counterpart on OS X. So cant say for sure. However, it *is* the most popular TeX installation on OS X. Most TeX related websites guide you to i-Installer for installing TeX on Mac OS X.

On Windows I use MiKTeX. i-Installer is comparable in terms of features and ease of use to MiKTeX.


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