[OS X TeX] no xetex.xfmt

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Tue May 25 06:49:13 EDT 2004

Hi Jonathan,

On 25/05/2004, at 7:38 PM, Jonathan Kew wrote:

>> This is XeTeXk, Version 3.14159-2.1-0.7 (Web2C 7.5.2)
>>  %&-line parsing enabled.
>> kpathsea: Running mktexfmt xetex.xfmt
>> fmtutil: no info for format `xetex'.
>> I can't find the format file `xetex.xfmt'!
>> xetex was installed with G. Wierda's i-Installer
> The xetex.xfmt file is supposed to be built and installed during the 
> "configuration" stage of the i-Package; I'm not sure why this might 
> have failed.

Just to let you know that I had a similar experience, but not quite so 

For me,  mktexfmt  was called, and built the format,
placing it under the  $VARTEX  tree:

The XeTeX/XeLaTeX job then ran fine,
but the next job couldn't find the new .xfmt file,
so  mktexfmt  would be called again.
( sudo texhash  has not been run since the new creation!)

Once I moved the .xfmt files into
everything worked fine...

  ... except that XeLaTeX couldn't find  xetex.def .
Installation (non II2) had put it into:

[GlenLivet:~] rossmoor% kpsewhich xetex.def

I don't think that is the best place; better IMHO would be:

Nevertheless, by altering  texmf.cnf  either location
can be found. Currently I have:

TEXINPUTS.xelatex =  .;$TEXMF/{xetex,etex,tex}/{xetex,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.xetex =  .;$TEXMF/{xetex,etex,tex}/{xetex,plain,generic,}//

but the double specification of `xetex` is rather inelegant.

> May I suggest that you re-run the configure process, and look at the 
> "Subprocess Output" view in i-Installer (use the View menu if this is 
> not visible by default) to see if there are any clues there. You 
> should see the console output of the two xetex jobs that build the 
> xetex.xfmt and xelatex.xfmt files, and messages from fmtutil 
> confirming where it is installing them.
> If any error messages are appearing during this process, they may help 
> us work out what the problem is; please let me know the results. 
> Thanks!

I checked, but didn't see anything that suggested an error.



> Jonathan
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Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia                                  fax: +61 +2 9850 8114

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