[OS X TeX] Page scrolling in TeXShop

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Oct 7 17:12:19 EDT 2004

Le 7 oct. 04, à 17:12, Matthew Hills a écrit :

> If you're familiar with C and have XCode installed, you should still 
> be able to wade through the objective C morass.
> (look in "MyPDFView.m")

Unfortunately I'm not. I moved directly from machine language on a HP 
41 CV and BASIC on a Sharp PC 1211 (both still working) in the early 
80s, to FORTRAN 77 on VAX/VMS in the late 80s, to Mathematica on Macs 
and Linux afterwards. Since purchasing Mathematica I have never done 
any programming again; not a lack of interest, just a lack of time. 
Plus, everytime I think about going back to FORTRAN, I realize I would 
have a hard time finding existing libraries covering all the special 
functions I may need (like the obscure ones: Mathieu functions, 
spheroidal wave functions, Gegenbauer polynomials, etc., which I think 
IMSL does not include), and which are either built-in in Mathematica or 
available at MathSource.

Thus, I've never learnt any C programming, not a single instruction! My 
only computer classes ever were in 1984 and covered only FORTRAN and 
Pascal (and, for the latter, it was a purely theoretical, 
paper-and-pen, class, we were never in contact with an actual computer 
running a Pascal compiler -- yes, this is the way it was in those days, 
I'm really not exaggerating at all). I hope one day I will find the 
time to make up for this sorry state of affairs.

Enough for the off-topic. Now:

- Matthew, about your off-list message: yes, I realize using the left 
and right arrows, in multi-page mode, to move up or down one page would 
break the intuitive double multi-page behaviour. I was only mentioning 
these keys because in single page mode they have this effect. I 
expected the usual shortcuts, uparrow, downarrow, Cmd-uparrow, 
Cmd-downarrow, Shift-uparrow, Shift-downarrow, Alt-uparrow, 
Alt-downarrow, Alt-Shift-uparrow, Alt-Shift-downarrow, possibly more, 
to all have different effects, associated with moving up or down one 
line, half a window, a whole window, one page, etc., without perturbing 
the horizontal positioning. They behave like this in Textures, 
similarly in OzTeX with the N and B (or Space and Delete) keys, and 
possibly similarly in Apple's Preview and Adobe Reader though I've 
never done any systematic exploration for them. I tried all these 
combinations in TeXShop, with no luck.

Scrolling with the arrow keys alone, or with the vertical scroll bar, 
works OK, but that's slow or imprecise, and I thought there would be a 
keyboard equivalent to clicking above or below the slider in the scroll 

- Josep: I should have thought better before speaking of a bug or 
design flaw. I'm not interested either in deciding whether this should 
be called a bug or flaw. What I meant is that I wonder whether the 
present behaviour of TeXShop was designed to be this way (after all, 
I'm no GUI expert, there might be good reasons for it to be the way it 
is) or whether this behaviour results from a bug.


Bruno Voisin
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