[OS X TeX] pdftex 1.20a

Thomas A. Schmitz thomas.schmitz at uni-bonn.de
Tue Oct 12 12:41:12 EDT 2004

Hi all,

there has been quite a lot of traffic lately on the ConTeXt mailing 
list regarding pdftex 1.20a. The latest ConTeXt release nags to upgrade 
to this version, so many people tried upgrading "by hand" and have run 
into numerous problems (esp. regarding map files for fonts, which the 
new pdftex expects in a different location than the old one). I'm not 
trying to be a nag myself, but would just want to know (and I guess 
this is primarily directed towards Gerben, sorry for taking your time): 
is there hope that pdftex 1.20a will be part of a regular upgrade of 
tetex soon? When can we expect a new release? I'm just trying to figure 
out if it's worth going through the trouble of upgrading; it wouldn't 
if I found out that a new i-Installer package is out two weeks later.

All best


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