[OS X TeX] pstricks in pdftex and xetex

Jan Eden lists at janeden.org
Wed Oct 13 04:05:12 EDT 2004

Hi Dalyoung,

Dalyoung wrote on 13.10.2004:

>Dear Jan,
>I also had a problem to use beamer class in XeLaTeX mode. But I got
>crashed output. Hence, I gave up to use it in xetex. Bruno's code
>and Your partial success give me a hope to use it. I'd like to know
>what are in the preamble in your beamer file. Would you please give
>a sample of it?

After posting my success message, I ran into more problems using pgf and configuring beamer. I was able to make xelatex produce landscape slides with beamer finally (using the -papersize=landscape option on the CL, but decided to wait some weeks (months?) before giving the combination a fifth try.

In principle, the following code produced some output (which I send to you off-list):


     {<-> "Verdana"}{}
     {<-> "Verdana\space Italic"}{}
     {<-> "Verdana\space Bold"}{}
     {<-> ssub * verdana/bx/n}{}
     {<-> "Verdana\space Bold\space Italic"}{}
     {<-> ssub * verdana/bx/it}{}
     {<-> "Verdana:Letter\space Case=Small\space Caps"}{}



            \raisebox{5mm}{\hspace{3mm}\textbf{\LARGE \insertframetitle}\hfill}


Graphic file follows\\

Text comes here.



A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
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