[OS X TeX] Bug in epstopdf

Sameer Agarwal sagarwal at cs.ucsd.edu
Fri Oct 22 09:33:14 EDT 2004

Hi Gerben
I installed TeXLive 2004 distribution and suddenly my epsfiles were not 
being included in my pdffiles.
I was using the the package epstopdf to automatically convert them to 
pdf . Turns out the new epstopdf has a small bug in it that results in 
the error


  epstopdf hand0.eps --debug


* Input filename: hand0.eps
* BoundingBox comment: %%BoundingBox:
* Output filename: hand0.pdf
* Ghostscript command: gs
* Compression: on
* Ghostscript pipe: gs -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite  
-dAutoRotatePages=/None-sOutputFile=hand0.pdf - -c quit
* Scanning header for BoundingBox
* Old BoundingBox: 90 227 542 583
* New BoundingBox: 0 0 452 356
* Offset: -90 -227
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops
Broken pipe

The problem is in the ghostscript pipe, there is a space missing 
between -dAutoRotatePages=/None and -sOutputFile. I have modified the 
script myself and it works.


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