[OS X TeX] Weird page size problem using XeLaTeX

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Dec 20 06:28:05 EST 2005

Am 20.12.2005 um 11:57 schrieb Martin Buchmann:

> kind of a problem if i want to use the eso-pic package and a landscape  
> a5paper

It's the same problem as with latex -> DVI + dvips -> ps: the  
intermediate XDV (DVI) file from xelatex (latex) has not recorded its  
size and orientation so that the final xdv2pdf uses the default A4  
portrait size.

Try to write a xelatex A5 landscape engine with two steps:

	xelatex -no-pdf <LaTeX source without extension>
	xdv2pdf -p a5:landscape <LaTeX source without extension>

The value of <LaTeX source without extension> can be obtained by  
'basename $1 .tex' as you can find in the other engine files in  

pete 345 /\ xdv2pdf --help
xdv2pdf: invalid option -- -
usage: xdv2pdf [-m mag] [-p papersize[:landscape]] [-v] [-o pdfFile]  
     papersize values:  
jb10/letter/legal/tabloid/ledger/wd,ht [in 'big' points or with  
explicit units]

There's also 'xelatex --help'. One of the options is:  
"-papersize=STRING       set PDF media size to STRING" -- could be it  
already fixes all for a one step compilation ...

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Es ist, glaub' ich, nichts so heiß, wie's gerne scheinen möchte.

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