[OS X TeX] pdf font coding problems

Gary L. Gray gray at engr.psu.edu
Tue Dec 20 16:47:39 EST 2005

On Dec 20, 2005, at 7:27 AM, Themis Matsoukas wrote:

> As recently as Dec 9, I was able to include cmr fonts in  
> illustrator but now this does not work anymore. Specifically, I was  
> able to copy/paste texshop equations into illustrator and display  
> them properly (i.e. w/o font substitution) in latex. Now, when I  
> try the same procedure, the copy/pasted math in the final latex  
> output appear with substituted fonts. In the meanwhile I updated my  
> TeX installation and this is apparently the reason for this  
> behavior: I have backups of pdflatex output that looks fine, but  
> when I typeset again the fonts become substituted. I've no idea  
> what has caused this change - is there a way to obtain the old  
> behavior? Alas, new is not always good...
> Themis
> On Dec 19, 2005, at 7:07 PM, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
>> A few years ago I discarded Illustrator for similar reasons and  
>> decided to create graphics with the help of metapost using mfpic  
>> as a convenient "frontend". This means of course that pdflatex is  
>> the underlying tex engine.
>> In my opinion any mathematician will love the beauty and ease of  
>> metapost compared with the clumsy features of Illustrator.
>> Claus

Here is an AppleScript that Francesco and I threw together this  
afternoon that takes a PDF generated from a .tex file and converts  
all the fonts to outlines. To create an application droplet, copy the  
AppleScript code, paste it into the Script Editor, and save it as an  
application. You can then drop PDFs on it and it will convert the  
fonts to outlines.

We actually created an AppleScript Studio app (using Xcode) that does  
this, but it only works on the machine on which it is built and we  
can't figure out why. If we get it worked out, we will post the app  
to the web for download.

In fact, we are now working on an app that will use the pdfcrop Perl  
script to crop PDF files out of Illustrator after they have been  
labeled with using the "outlined fonts" generated above.

Let me know if you have any questions or have suggestions as to how  
to get our Xcode app to work on all machines.

-- Gary

-- TeX Font Outliner.applescript
-- TeX Font Outliner

--  Created by Francesco Costanzo & Gary L. Gray on 12/20/05.
--  Copyright 2005 __The two guys above__. All rights reserved.
on idle
	(* Add any idle time processing here. *)
end idle

on open Filename
	(* Add your script to process the names here. *)
	set FileInformation to AssembleFileInfo(Filename)
	set CDCommand to "cd " & (FDirectory of FileInformation) & "; "
	gs -sDEVICE=pswrite -dNOCACHE -sOutputFile=nofont-test.ps -q -dbatch  
-dNOPAUSE test.pdf -c quit
	do shell script (CDCommand & "/usr/local/bin/gs -sDEVICE=pswrite - 
dNOCACHE -sOutputFile=Outlines-" & (PSName of FileInformation) & " -q  
-dbatch -dNOPAUSE " & (FName of FileInformation) & " -c quit")
	set Filetarget to ((MacFDirectory of FileInformation) & ":Outlines-"  
& (PSName of FileInformation))
	-- display dialog Filetarget
		tell application "Adobe Illustrator" to activate
		tell application "Adobe Illustrator" to open file Filetarget
	end try
end open

(* ==== Subroutine assemble file related information into record  
form.  ==== *)
on AssembleFileInfo(ThisFile)
	set FileInfo to (info for ThisFile)
	set FileRecord to {FName:(name of FileInfo) as string} as record
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {FExtension:(name extension of  
FileInfo as string)}
	set TString to ThisFile as string
	set TString to (characters 1 through ((length of TString) - 1 -  
(length of (FName of FileRecord)))) of TString as string
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {MacFDirectory:TString}
	set TString to ("\"" & (POSIX path of TString) & "\"")
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {FDirectory:TString}
	set TString to (characters 1 through ((length of (FName of  
FileRecord)) - 1 - (length of FExtension of FileRecord))) of (FName  
of FileRecord) as string
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {FBaseName:TString}
	set TString to (FBaseName of FileRecord) & ".ps"
	set FileRecord to FileRecord & {PSName:TString}
	return FileRecord
end AssembleFileInfo

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