[OS X TeX] Missing Hebrew font (jerus10)?

Michael Gedalin gedalin at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Thu Jun 2 01:26:09 EDT 2005

I used this kind of hebrew for years. You have to install the fonts  
from CTAN: language/hebrew/hebtex/fonts. Apparently, you had these  
fonts installed on your hard drive. These are not a part of standard  
tetex distribution.

Instead of installing these fonts I recommend using he8 encoding  
(supported by modern babel) with the culmus fonts (work on any  
platform). Mac solution is even better: use xetex (installed via i- 


*Michael Gedalin
*Department of Physics
*Ben-Gurion University
*POB 653
*Beer-Sheva, 84105
*Tel: 972-8-6461645
*Fax: 972-8-6472904
*Email: gedalin at bgumail.bgu.ac.il

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