[OS X TeX] "Can't find" problem using Daniel Steffen's mytex script

Ian Morrison imorrison at rcn.com
Tue Jun 14 19:27:57 EDT 2005

I have been trying to follow instructions kindly sent by Daniel Steffen 
(amplifying a post here: 
http://w3.msi.vxu.se/~pku/MacOSX_TeX/2003a/msg02510.htm) to use his 
"mytex" script in conjunction with the "ldump.sty" to create on the fly 
formats. I have double checked that everything he suggests has been 
done and yet I am getting a "Can't find the required tool" error from 
TeXShop which I cannot understand or eliminate. I have Daniel's script 
and suitable symlinks in my /bin. The TeXShop "Misc" preferences pane 
gives full paths to his scripts (/Users/towers/bin/mypdftex and 
/Users/towers/bin/mypdflatex) and I have "personal script" selected as 
my default script in the "Typesetting" preferences pane. But when I 
typeset (any flavor) I get a "Can't find the required tool" error which 
goes on to claim that "/Users/towers/bin/mypdflatex" does not exist.

What needs to be hooked up to get this to work?

Ian Morrison
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