[OS X TeX] Textures -> TeXShop migration
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Jun 15 12:45:06 EDT 2005
On Jun 15, 2005, at 10:20 AM, Peter Vamos wrote:
> ...
> 1. PdfLaTeX could not handle landscape in my seminar documentclass
> files (but see for a patch below). In fact I now find that many
> other presentation packages suffer from the same problem e.g.
> prosper, foil. This is a pity since presentation (which are usually
> in landscape mode) and pdf are made for each other. I would
> appreciate recommendations of packages which work with landscape
> mode, PdfLaTeX and can handle seminar files with little alteration.
You might try adding \usepackage{geometry} (maybe \usepackage[compat2]
{geometry} to get the margin ratios right) since that does the right
thing in setting up pdflatex (and won't give problems if you use latex
> 2. \marks seems to be a primitive of pdfLaTeX but not of LaTeX.
> Anyone knows what it does? And are there any other commands
> introduced by PdfLaTeX? I had to use \renewcommand to get back the
> \marks I had defined, but it is not good practice to do this
> especially if you don't know what the original does.
The TeX primitive \mark is associated with the ability to pick out
first and last marks in a page for use in the heading. If you don't
already have it, get `The LaTeX Companion,' 2nd Edition, by
Mittelbach, Goosens, Braams, Carlisle and Rowley; a must have to get
quite deep into LaTeX. For many things `Guide to LaTeX,' 4th Edition,
by Kopka and Daley, is wonderful although not as detailed. I'd say
get both!
> 3. Is there a 'LaTeX mode' of typesetting in TeXShop or an add-on?
> (i.e. run typesetting twice, 3-times etc automatically until all
> references, indices are done. I know that there is a (paid for)
> `Flash Mode' available.)
TeXShop allows you to build `.engine' files which have multiple
commands (e.g., pdflatex, bibtex, pdflatex and pdflatex one more
time) and have the .tex file compile. The .engine script must be an
executable shell script and it is called from the directory of
the .tex file to compile and (at least at the present time) the full
name (so .ltx files, etc., are compiled) so you'll have to strip the
extension for using bibtex. E.g,
basefname="`basename "$1" .tex`"
pdflatex "$1"
if [ -e "${basefname}.pdf" ] ; then
bibtex "${basefname}"
pdflatex "$1"
pdflatex "$1"
should go through the pdflate->bibtex->pdflatex->pdflatex process.
Calling this MakeFull.engine, making it executable and putting it in
~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/ directory will have it show up on the drop
down toolbar menu (but not in the normal Typeset Menu, Sigh...) where
you can select it and run it. To have it always use this engine for
processing this file put
%!TEX TS-program = MakeFull
early in your document; then the default Typeset command (Cmd-T) will
use that engine to compile the document. Note the spaces around the
`=', they are NOT optional.
> ...
> %%%%%%% modification to work with PdfLaTex %%%%%
> \makeatletter
> \newif\ifpdf
> \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined
> \pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX
> \else
> \pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX
> \pdftrue
> \fi
Use the \usepackage{ifpdf} since things are a bit more complicated in
the latest pdf(la)tex since it's used in both pdf and dvi mode now by
different processes.
Hope this was to the point and helped.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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