[OS X TeX] TeX request

Jean-Claude DE SOZA jeanclaudedesoza at wanadoo.fr
Fri Jun 24 10:49:25 EDT 2005


In a text file, enter :

class Integer
   def factorial
     (1..self).inject(1) { |f, n| f * n }
puts 200.factorial

Save it as fact.rb and run it with ./fact.rb or ruby fact.rb
Jean-Claude DE SOZA

Le 23 juin 05 à 22:24, Gerben Wierda a écrit :

> Hello folks,
> I need help with a trick I want to perform. I want to be able to  
> display all the digits of
> 2!
> 10!
> 200!
> I need some sort of perl, ruby, bc or other way to produce all the  
> digits. Then I can use some TeX trickery (maybe from the diminuendo  
> trick from the showcase, or crescendo) to display them
> G
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           & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
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