[OS X TeX] TeX to word on Mac

Jonas Wellendorf Jonas.Wellendorf at cms.uib.no
Sun Jun 26 10:59:35 EDT 2005

Den 26. jun. 2005 kl. 16.04 skrev Herbert Schulz:

> Howdy,
> Now that you know how to do it in terminal, here's a way to do it  
> from within TeXShop.

This was really usefull. Thank you.

The html-document resembles my initial tex-document quite closely  
when viewed in safari.
But how do I go from .html to .doc?
Word eats my footnotes and many (all?) the non standard english  
characters such as æ, ø, å, ü, ð and þ.
Pages does a better job preserving the Scandinavian characters but my  
footnotes are gone.

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