[OS X TeX] [ANN] TCOBrowser-0.80

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Tue Jun 28 10:04:04 EDT 2005

The TCOBrowser development team (yours truly) is pleased to announce  
that a new release is available at <http://tcobrowser.sf.net/>.  This  
release has a new version of the TeX Catalogue, fresh from CVS as of  
27 June 2005, and has some new features as well.

NOTE:  I forgot to mention in the release notes that the "Authors"  
table column won't show up unless you delete your preferences file,  
at ~/Library/Preferences/net.sourceforge.tcobrowser.plist.  Sorry for  
the inconvenience.  Also, this version will be slow to launch:  if  
you want it to launch faster, you can disable the local documentation  
searching in Preferences, at the expense of some functionality.

Please file bug reports at <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/? 
group_id=111837&atid=660553>, and if you see something on my To Do  
list at <http://tcobrowser.sf.net/todo.html> that you'd like to  
volunteer for, let me know!  Feature requests are welcome also, but I  
hardly have time to update the To Do list.

Complete release notes follow:

Version 0.80
- Use the texcatalogue.xml file in the bundle if it is newer
- No more caching of local docs list, or of the TeX catalogue itself
- Fixed numerous memory leaks
- Sorting and searching are faster
- Code is more object-oriented and generally less bizarre
- No longer have to relaunch after updating to a new TeX catalogue
- Removed some annoying console log messages
- Double-click on splitview divider will now collapse or expand the  
detail pane
- Detail pane displays more detail now
- Font in detail pane is actually readable
- Update checking now runs in a background thread
- Latest XML version of the TeX catalogue is supported
- Authors are now shown in the table, and are searchable
--------------------- Info ---------------------
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