Fwd: [OS X TeX] PDF from LaTeX and Adobe Illustrator

Pierre Chatelier pierre.chatelier at club-internet.fr
Thu Jun 30 11:45:21 EDT 2005

Ok, it seems a difficult problem in fact.
But do not search too long for a complex solution, because I do not  
use Illustrator; I was just wondering if I could do that "for free"  
with a simple option of pdflatex. If it is complicated and requires  
an external tool, I can just drop the idea.

> 2. Drag from LaTeXit to the Desktop. In a Terminal window run 'gs - 
> dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=latex- 
> image-0.eps latex-image-0.pdf'. Open the eps file in Illustrator.  
> This outlines the fonts and so, again, you won't be able to edit  
> the text, but you can move elements around.
Yes, I had already tried that, but strangely enough, the eps  
generated, even if it is well displayed by the MacOS X "Preview" app,  
is not displayed in illustrator (only an empty box appears).

Pierre Chatelier

>> Hello,
>> Some users of LaTeXiT has reported me that when you drag'n drop a  
>> PDF equation generated by pdfLaTeX to Adobe Illustrator, then  
>> Illustrator does not consider it as a mere image, but on the  
>> contrary recognized the symbols, and unfortunately replace them  
>> using another (ugly) font.
>> I have installed the Illustrator tryout version, and I could see  
>> that by myself.
>> Do you think there is any latex option that could be used at pdf  
>> generation, to get rid of this problem ?
> Some solutions.
> 1. Drag from LaTeXit to the Desktop. From within Illustrator select  
> File:Place and the pdf file. This will place the pdf in the  
> Illustrator document, but you won't be able to edit it.
> 2. Drag from LaTeXit to the Desktop. In a Terminal window run 'gs - 
> dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=latex- 
> image-0.eps latex-image-0.pdf'. Open the eps file in Illustrator.  
> This outlines the fonts and so, again, you won't be able to edit  
> the text, but you can move elements around.
> 3. You could try putting Mac postscript versions of the LaTeX fonts  
> in Illustrator's font path. I have had some success with this in  
> the past, but it does not work for all formula due to the encoding  
> problems mentioned here.

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