[OS X TeX] Is there a bigpdflatex?

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Sun May 29 19:34:18 EDT 2005

Hello Michael,

On 30/05/2005, at 5:48 AM, Michael Hoppe wrote:

>> It could be that this parameter is only taken into account when 
>> initex is run. Try creating a new format with the modified settings.
> Well, after changing pdf_mem_size to 131072 I ran
>     sudo fmtutil --all
> That is supposed to create the formats, isn't it?

With older versions of  teTeX  it wasn't necessary to rebuild
the formats just to increase the amount of memory available.

Here is the relevant section, and comments,
from my installation:

%  Part 3: Array and other sizes for TeX (and Metafont and MetaPost).
% If you want to change some of these sizes only for a certain TeX
% variant, the usual dot notation works, e.g.,
% main_memory.hugetex =                 20000000
% If a change here appears to be ignored, try redumping the format file.

% Memory. Must be less than 8,000,000 total.
% main_memory is relevant only to initex, extra_mem_* only to non-ini.
% Thus, have to redump the .fmt file after changing main_memory; to add
% to existing fmt files, increase extra_mem_*.  (To get an idea of how
% much, try \tracingstats=2 in your TeX source file;
% web2c/tests/memtest.tex might also be interesting.)
% To increase space for boxes (as might be needed by, e.g., PiCTeX),
% increase extra_mem_bot.
main_memory =                   1500000 % words of inimemory available; 
also applies to inimf&mp
extra_mem_bot    =              0 % extra high memory for chars, 
tokens, etc.
extra_mem_top    =              2000000 % extra low memory for boxes, 
glue, breakpoints, etc.

So if in your texmf.cnf  file
         (the one found by:    kpsewhich texmf.cnf  )
you change the  extra_mem_top  parameter, if there is one,
then it shouldn't be necessary to rebuild any formats.
Hopefully it'll "just work".

Here's the most telling piece of info that you have provided:
>> <use fh-pics.pdf, page 1>
>> ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [PDF memory size (pdf_mem_size)=65536].
>> <argument> ...lpcode font at name MT at char =@tempcntb
>> So pdf_mem_size seems to be the right parameter ...  But one cannot 
>> find it in any texmf.cnf, though.

The failure occurs while using a 'microtype' font-name.
I'd guess that the document is fine without Microtype, right ?

The value of  65536  for a memory parameter is historical.
It's quite inadequate for large documents using new features
and macro packages now frequently used with pdf-TeX.
Microtype is one such.

Try increasing any such low values by a factor of 10 or more.

Hope this helps,


> Michael
> -- 
> -= Michael Hoppe <www.michael-hoppe.de>, <mh at michael-hoppe.de> =-----
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Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia                                  fax: +61 +2 9850 8114

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