[OS X TeX] Problem with Printing

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Nov 16 04:11:49 EST 2005

Am 16.11.2005 um 02:17 schrieb Marcus Michalsky:

> But how do you explain, that on my PowerBook with MAC OS X 10.3.9 
> Panther everything works GREAT !??!

In my first eMail I tried to emphasise that TeX might work differently 
(including or not including all PostScript fonts) and asked you to make 
a comparison in i-Installer ...

A bit easier could be to send the file that works GREAT on the 
PowerBook to the other Mac. Hos is this copy working there?

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


How many Microsoft engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
They just redefine "dark" as the new standard.

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