[OS X TeX] Newbie TeTex font installation

Paul Vickers paul.vickers at unn.ac.uk
Wed Nov 16 16:00:34 EST 2005

I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to take one of my 
TrueType font families (say, GillSans.ttf, GillSansItalic.ttf, 
GillSansBold.ttf, and GillSansBoldItalic.ttf) and converting it so I can 
use it with LaTeX (pdfLaTeX to be precise).

I'm running Gerben Wierda's TeX installation on an Apple PowerBook 
running OS X 10.4.3.

I tried using ttf2tex but that generates an internal error as soon as it 
gets to the ttf2afm stage.

I have tried various web sites with different recipes, but to no avail. 
The most recent one I tried was 
http://www.tug.org/mactex/fonts/fonttutorial-current.html#sec2 but all I 
end up with is a blank document when I select the new font with:


where pgs is the font family name I have to GillSans (from the Fontname 

I have tried XeTeX, but as I also work with MikTeX on a PC, I don't want 
  my TEX files to be platform-dependent.

Can anyone please point a frustrated newbie to a simple set of 
instructions for adding new fonts to LaTeX from a .ttf source?


Paul Vickers
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