[OS X TeX] Re: EPS files displayed as blank white box with latest TeX version (latex + Ghostscript)

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Nov 21 08:42:43 EST 2005

Am 21.11.2005 um 13:48 schrieb Markus Hänchen:

> Is there another place where I could report it (or should just repost 
> it here with a more precise subject line?)

Yes: send it directly to Gerben Wierda, since he is the author of 
simpdftex, a simulator for real pdfTeX. And since it's just a shell 
script you could either add to the first line ' -x' or ' -xv' to make 
it report more about what it is currently doing. If you can work in 
Terminal (or a *shell* buffer in Emacs) you could invoke 'sh -x 
/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/simpdftex <tex file 
name>' to see there too (without modification) what is happening.

I'd think it's already dvips that misses the EPS file ../file.eps. This 
could come from the fact that it uses a variable that names the 'root' 
of some branches of the file system in which to search for parts of the 
whole 'project' (TeX source file + non-TeX ingredients). Since the 
search goes 'downwards' and '.' (the current working directory where 
the TeX source file is) is always part of this search, dvips will find 
the file as for example EPS-things/file.eps, but not on the 'higher' 
level, which '..' indicates.

So you have one clue for a possible solution: non-TeX ingredients 
'below' the TeX source; a second one would be to create symbolic links 
from the TeX source files's directory pointing to these non-TeX files 
somewhere in the file system.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and 
I'm not
sure about the former" - Albert Einstein

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