[OS X TeX] *EXPERIMENTAL* TeX i-Package release
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Sun Nov 27 14:21:16 EST 2005
Le 25 nov. 05 à 17:17, Gerben Wierda a écrit :
> This release contains a small surprise, mainly created by Thomas A.
> Schmitz. When you install it, you can use (automatically unpacked)
> Apple fonts Hoefler Text, Didot, Optima, Baskerville en Gill Sans
> in PDFTeX.
Hi Gerben, Thomas,
Just tested this (for Optima only), and it's working fine (with
restrictions -- see below). First on 25 November I couldn't install
(i-Installer said tex4.tar.bz2 couldn't be downloaded), but today all
went fine.
I tried to compile a file (after performing the required
modifications) originally written for the fontspec package in
XeLaTeX. The enclosed screenshot presents the two versions side-by-
side, they're practically identical (xvoisin-rap2006.pdf is the
XeLaTeX version, gwtsvoisin-rap2006.pdf is the pdfLaTeX version)
except for the size: the XeLaTex version is 2.2MB, while the pdfLaTeX
version is about 1MB (taking into account the XeLaTeX version
included some figures in PICT format, and the pdfLaTeX version
included smaller -- by 200kB in total -- PDF versions of these figures).
[Attachment removed for posting to this list, the original message
was for Gerben Wierda and Thomas Schmitz.]
Remarks about the distribution:
- It would be nice to have the font creation process (TTF, TFM, VF,
MAP, FD and STY files) documented.
- The included .sty style files offer no interface to the additional
"variants" for each font (Semibold Baskerville, Gill Sans Light,
Optima Extra Black, and possibly Hoefler Ornaments -- I haven't tried
for the latter). The metrics are there, but the .fd and .sty files
don't know about them. I imagine, for example, Optima Extra Black
would correspond to an ultra bold font in the LaTeX 2e font selection
scheme. According to /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/doc/fonts/
fontname/fontname.dvi pp. 21 ff., one could set, in the .fd files:
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{gwtsmacbaskerville}{s}{n} {<-> gwec-
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{gwtsmacgillsans}{l}{n} {<-> gwec-GillSansLight}{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{gwtsmacoptima}{u}{n} {<-> gwec-OptimaExtraBlack}{}
and so forth. It might even, though possibly out of the scope of the
package, be appropriate to provide a way to select, for example, Gill
Sans Light as the "standard" Gill Sans font and either Gill Sans or
Gill Sans Bold as the matching bold font (similar to what the
fontspec package allows).
- The microtype package doesn't seem to be compatible with
gwtsmacfonts -- it provoked the creation of several metrics, and the
final output included incorrect font size changes in the middle of
- Two file duplicates, with "%" at the beginning of their names, are
included in the distribution:
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/doc/fonts/gwtsmacfonts brunovoisin
$ ls -l
total 1240
-rw-r--r-- 1 root admin 1300 Nov 25 10:20 %latexbaskerville.tex
-rw-r--r-- 1 root admin 1306 Nov 25 11:41 latexbaskerville.tex
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/tex/latex brunovoisin$ ls -l
total 88
-rw-r--r-- 1 root admin 1512 Nov 24 17:52 %t1gwtsmacoptima.fd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root admin 1624 Nov 25 09:50 t1gwtsmacoptima.fd
- It would be nice to have the LaTeX input files inside a
subdirectory gwtsmacfonts of /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/tex/
latex/, instead of having these files directly inside the directory.
- Is there any way to access the euro character inside the fonts?
With the textcomp package \texteuro isn't found, and with it the euro
character from CM-Super (that is, the EC fonts) seems to be used. In
the enclosed screenshot, in the pdfLaTeX version, the first euro
symbol is this one, created with \texteuro, while the others are from
the Adobe euro font using the eurosans package and the \euro command;
in the XeLaTeX version the euro symbol is taken from Optima.
I'll be posting the same message to the OS X TeX list after removing
the attachment.
Hope this helps,
Bruno------------------------- Info --------------------------
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