[OS X TeX] Open Testing of MacTeX Distribution

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Oct 11 12:37:07 EDT 2005

Le 11 oct. 05 à 18:25, Richard Koch a écrit :

> As a followup to the thread below, Jonathan's original package  
> contains Gerben's
> code to reset these paths, and nothing has changed since. I believe  
> Jonathan
> has correctly diagnosed why Maartin's tests suggested that  
> something was
> wrong. Unless I hear otherwise, I mark this bug as solved.
>>> AFAIR /usr/local/bin is made available from the command line when  
>>> installing the GhostScript i-Package, which patches /etc/ 
>>> csh.login and /etc/profile. I don't know about MacTeX.pkg.
>> Yes; MacTeX.pkg does the same patches, or at least it was intended  
>> to do so.

IIRC Jaguar (10.2) did not include bash, hence /etc/profile wasn't  
involved. It used tcsh, but was /etc/csh.login the config file for it  
already, or was this config file different (for example at another  
location instead of /etc/)? Unfortunately I've got not Jaguar setup  
to check.


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