[OS X TeX] New TeX i-Packages release

Gerben Wierda Gerben.Wierda at rna.nl
Thu Oct 13 03:21:07 EDT 2005

> Le 13-oct.-05 à 07:28, Franck Pastor a écrit :
>> Le 12-oct.-05 à 21:42, Gerben Wierda a écrit :
>>> In terms of the command line, the following behaviours (using
>>> TL2005 stuff), (example: map file handling):
>>> System wide (this is how the TeX i-Package does it).
>>> 1. Install the map file in texmf.local (~/Library/texmf is ignored)
>>> 2. Run:
>>>     sudo -H -u root updmap-sys --enable Map foo.map
>>> Personal:
>>> 1. Install the map file in ~/Library/texmf
>>> 2. Run:
>>>     updmap --enable Map foo.map
>> Wouldn't it be better to have an updmap.cfg file in the ~/Library/
>> texmf/web2c directory in that case ? A copy of the updmap.cfg file
>> that lies in /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c, for example...
> More precisely, I meant : in the "personal" case. The files
> "updmap.cfg" that lie in the texmf.local or texmf.tetex are
> unreadable by the user if he's not "root".

They are readable. They are not writable.

> Hence the idea to put a
> copy of /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c/updmap.cfg in your
> personal setting, ~/Library/texmf/web2c/, before running the "updmap
> --enable Map foo.map" command.

This happens automatically. --enable takes the current config file and
changes and saves it. If there is no config file in your personal texmf
tree yet, it uses whatever is current as input. That should be the one in
texmf.local. This is true for updmap, texconfig and fmtutil.

As soon as you have a personal configuration, using the i-Package for
configuration does not work anymore because it restricts itself to the
system-wide configuration.


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