[OS X TeX] latexdb & texshop

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Oct 13 10:55:08 EDT 2005

I think your present directory is cluttered with too many  
example.tex's. Cretae a new file example-ingo.tex and run latexdb  
only once to see which additional files are created. Then tell the  
shell script to remove all files with offending endings,  
i.e., .tex.whatever.

On Oct 13, 2005, at 15:59, Ingo Reich wrote:

> Am 13.10.2005 um 15:33 schrieb Herbert Schulz:
>> On Oct 13, 2005, at 12:46 AM, Ingo Reich wrote:
>>> Herb,
>>> last night I tried (almost: tcsh) exactly what you suggested, and  
>>> it didn't work at all; this morning I retried (bash), and it does  
>>> work on the first run. To be more precise: it does work as long  
>>> as I don't have to save my file before calling latexdb; if I need  
>>> to save changes in the file, texshop still complains the way I  
>>> mentioned in my last mail.
>>>  Another question: Since latexdb only generates a dvi-file, not   
>>> a pdf-file, I tried to extend the script as follows:
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> latexdb "$1"
>>> dvipdfm "$1"
>>> But now dvipdfm looks for "example.tex.dvi" instead of  
>>> "example.dvi", and gets stuck.
>>> Sorry for being so ignorant.
>>> Ingo
>>> P.S. to Claus: I did try it both ways, i.e. with and without the  
>>> extension .tex, but the problem persisted.
>> Howdy,
>> The $1 is the full name, with the .tex; e.g., fname.tex. To get  
>> the base name you need to use `basename "$1" .tex` so a simple  
>> addition to get it right is:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> basefname=$(basename "$1" .tex)
>> latexdb "$1"
>> dvipdfm "${basefname}"
>> In terms of your other problem... What is the output of latexdb?  
>> Does it change the .tex file?
>> Good Luck,
>> Herb Schulz
>> (herbs at wideopenwest.com)
> Hi Herb, I can't see that the file is in any way different than  
> before, so probably it doesn't. But, as Claus pointed out, running  
> latexdb on example.tex generates additional files with tex endings:  
> "example.tex.1", "example.tex.pre.1" and "example.tex.texdb.1";  
> during its run it also generates a then removed file called  
> "example.backup" which suggests that latexdb does in fact not only  
> read example.tex. What it does exactly, however, is completely  
> obscure to me. Ingo
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